Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Birmingham-based Surestop needs scientifically skilled developers and experienced marketing staff to keep new models of its patented invention flowing into the building and plumbing trades. Vurlan wants to see measures from the next government to support apprenticeships, closer links between job centres and business, and better ties with universities to introduce more graduates to the attractions of a manufacturing career.
The new book has been welcomed by local people, who cite high demand for housing, very few empty properties and easy walking distance to Bradford city centre as attractions of what the book calls "an established, well-loved community". Manningham has been notably exempt from the problems which led to the last government's housing market renewal initiative, which has seen controversial demolitions in Manchester, Liverpool and a number of Lancashire towns.
Sargent's sea is neither experimental nor abstract. It is not liquid and it has no volume or depth. It isn't numinous or mysterious or unfathomably beautiful. It isn't even expansive or wild. He seems, in short, to be indifferent to almost all of its obvious qualities, let alone its attractions for an artist.
Dr Lisa Diamond, associate professor of psychology and gender studies at the University of Utah, has been following a group of 79 women for 15 years, tracking the shifts in their sexual identity. The women she chose at the start of the study had all experienced some same-sex attraction â?? although in some cases only fleetingly â?? and every two years or so she has recorded how they describe themselves: straight, lesbian, bisexual, or another category of their own choosing. In every two-year wave, 20-30% of the sample have changed their identity label, and over the course of the study, about 70% have changed how they described themselves at their initial interview. What's interesting, says Diamond, is that transitions in sexual identity aren't "confined to adolescence. People appear equally likely to undergo these sorts of transitions in middle adulthood and late adulthood." And while, in some cases, women arrive at a lesbian identity they've been repressing, "that doesn't account for all of the variables . . . In my study, what I often found was that women who may have always thought that other women were beautiful and attractive would, at some point later in life, actually fall in love with a woman, and that experience vaulted those attractions from something minor to something hugely significant. It wasn't that they'd been repressing their true selves before; it was that without the context of an actual relationship, the little glimmers of occasional fantasies or feelings just weren't that significant."
Reid said a substantial problem for the trust was that only 12 of its 130 major attractions were fully paid for by bequests, which meant it had a formidable task raising income to maintain other properties. The trust, he revealed, had no idea how much its future repair costs were. "The cost of maintaining the estate is not known," he said.
Travellers dashing between the country's main attractions typically pay scant attention to these nature parks, but they are one of Jordan's best assets. I made them the focus of a 10-day tour of the country with my mum, but because Jordan's so small it was perfectly viable to include the major historic sites too.
Travellers dashing between the country's main attractions typically pay scant attention to these nature parks, but they are one of Jordan's best assets. I made them the focus of a 10-day tour of the country with my mum, but because Jordan's so small it was perfectly viable to include the major historic sites too.
Alternatives will have similarly inflated airfares in January, and nowhere has quite the same combination of attractions that New Zealand has. I found some Â?831 fares to Melbourne, Australia with well-regarded Qatar Airways, from where you could pick up a cheap flight with the likes of Jetstar ( to Hobart or Launceston in Tasmania. The island is green and very scenic and there are some superb hikes including the South Coast Track. Tasmania ( is also home to some wonderful beaches and wineries and has a fascinating colonial history. I was lucky enough to visit a few years ago for the Guardian and there are some suggestions in my article. There's not three weeks' worth of things to do here so consider spending a little time exploring Victoria (, possibly following the Great Ocean Road. If the flight has to come in at under Â?700 you could get an open-jaw flight into one Central American city and out of another. One option is to fly into Guatemala City and out of Tegucigalpa in Honduras, visiting Mayan temples, Belize's beaches and Honduras' Bay Islands.
What was interesting about Paglia's article was its implication that, in order to be a star â?? and particularly a female star â?? you have to be sexually appealing. This was underlined by her list of female singers she does admire. "Among the magnetic presences in music today," she wrote, "are tigresses of charismatic sensuality or gamines of buoyant charm â?? Beyonc?©, Shakira, Rihanna, Lily Allen, Nelly Furtado." All of which apparently ignored the fact that, for her fans, one of Gaga's key attractions is precisely her dismissal of traditional, feminine sex appeal, of the need to be charming, of the values and aesthetic of other female singers: the ripe, pert bodies, the pretty, familiar costumes.
If the eating and drinking gets too much, the Palatinate has plenty to offer in the way of mitigating exercise. Exploring historic local towns such as Boppard, Braubach and Cochem is one option; their well-preserved medieval centres, full of cobbled alleys and small squares, cafes and monuments, cake shops and churches, never disappoint. Picturesque Bernkastel-Keus offers a booklet of short walking tours in and around the town, available from the tourist office. Among the attractions is the 18th-century Graach Gate that features, as a modern addition, a plaque commemorating the town's lost Jewish population, deported during the Nazi period, never to return.
That allows you access to all rides and attractions.
Zapewnia wstęp na wszystkie przejażdżki i atrakcje.
He's not just a lifeguard; he has some attractions.
On nie jest tylko ratownikiem. Ma też inne zalety.
One of the great attractions of strings is their versatility.
Jedną z wielkich zalet strun jest ich uniwersalność.
Come experience the fantastic new rides and attractions.
Przyjdźcie i doświadczcie tych fantastycznych atrakcji.
People already associate our beautiful city with animal attractions:
Ludzie kojarzą nasze piękne miasto ze zwierzęcymi atrakcjami:
It's one of our more popular attractions.
To jedna z naszych najpopularniejszych atrakcji.
Too many uncertain factors, differing expectations and intangible attractions, such as specific weather conditions, have turned tourism forecasts into a game of chance.
Zbyt wiele niepewnych czynników, różne oczekiwania i niemożliwe do przewidzenia atrakcje, takie jak warunki meteorologiczne, czynią z prognoz turystycznych zgadywankę.
Culture is a great opportunity, especially for areas which are underdeveloped but rich in natural resources or tourist and recreation attractions due to their geographical location.
Kultura jest ogromną szansą, szczególnie dla obszarów słabo rozwiniętych, ubogich w zasoby naturalne czy atrakcje turystyczno-rekreacyjne wynikające z położenia geograficznego.
Yonville has so few attractions.
W Yonville jest tak mało rozrywek.
Animal acts and other attractions.
Pełno zwierząt I wiele atrakcji
Serial killers make lousy tourist attractions. - Yeah.
seryjni mordercy tworzą nędzne atrakcje turystyczne - Ta.
And we, my dear, heh... ...are the main attractions. Ta-da.
A my, moja droga... jesteśmy główną atrakcją.
Culture and language stimulate the development of regions and are a magnet for investment, especially in poorly developed regions with meagre natural resources and few tourist and leisure attractions.
Kultura i język stymulują rozwój regionów i są magnesem przyciągającym inwestycje, zwłaszcza w regionach słabo rozwiniętych, ubogich w zasoby naturalne czy atrakcje turystyczno-rekreacyjne.
The result of this, among other things, is that the prestige of the EU and the attractions of EU membership go into free fall in the Western Balkan countries.
Efektem tej sytuacji jest między innymi szybko spadający prestiż UE oraz atrakcyjność członkostwa w UE w krajach Bałkanów Zachodnich.
in writing. - (PT) The cohesion policy is one of the distinctive trade marks of the European Union, one of its major successes and also one of the main attractions of our community.
na piśmie. - (PT) Polityka spójności jest jednym ze znaków rozpoznawczych Unii Europejskiej, jednym z jej najważniejszych sukcesów i jedną z głównych atrakcji naszej Wspólnoty.