(Noun) Austin;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Susan Savage-Rumbaugh (video): Let's go say hello to Austin first and then go to the A frame.
Przywitajmy się z Austinem, a potem chodźmy do chatki A.
Video: Austin, I hear you saying "Austin."
Video: Mówisz o Austinie!
It is in Austin, Texas, which is where I'm from.
Stamtąd pochodzę.
The Cockney rhyming slang in Austin Powers was inspired by my dad. He picked it up in the army. He'd often come out with this stuff. You'd hear him talk about crossing the frog [frog and toad, road], or going up the apples and pears [stairs]. I felt ripped off when he got Alzheimer's. Little by little, I was losing the one person I wanted to see what was happening to me.
"What is it," George Orwell asked, "you want to read about?" He set the scene: a comfortable Sunday afternoon in England. And he knew the answer was: "about a murder". Orwell's line â?? quoted by Jane Robins in her outstanding The Magnificent Spilsbury and the Case of the Brides in the Bath (John Murray) â?? applies to summer reading, too. The book is about a pre-war conman who drowned his wives in the bath. It made my jaw drop. For those who prefer murder dished up fictionally, Tony & Susan (Atlantic) is unbeatable. I was bowled over by this disturbing, bold reissue of a novel by the late Austin Wright. It pulls off the feat of placing one novel within another, asking what we want from a thriller â?? and answering its own question. And finally â?? loyalty aside â?? my sister Lucy Kellaway's novel In Office Hours (Fig Tree) is brilliant; a funny moral tale about office affairs.
And, as Austin points out, children must eventually learn that in real life endings aren't always happy. "Where anything disappointing or difficult is turned away from, you develop a child who can't deal with reality. Children need help to cope, otherwise you are storing up problems for relationships and their careers." One pathological outcome is an adult who copes by perverting the truth whenever things don't turn out as they would like.
One of the books I'll be taking on holiday I've actually just finished, but it's such an impressive, enigmatic, multi-layered novel that I want to read it all over again. It's Austin Wright's Tony & Susan (Atlantic; see review, page 9), a page-turner of a literary thriller that explores the dynamics of family life, of love and betrayal â?? ultimately, of the reading experience itself. Not since Cormac McCarthy's The Road have I been so gripped and unsettled by a piece of fiction.
The former general who was wounded in Pretoria, Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa, was publicly accused by Rwanda's chief prosecutor of being behind the grenade attacks, while the journalist murdered in Kigali, Jean Leonard Rugambage, was investigating government links to his attempted murder.
According to the catalogue essay, something else is going on: "The vaunted phallicism of the 'shooting' camera lens is invoked here." That description makes me think of David Hemmings in the 1966 movie Blow-Up, playing a version of Bailey as he shoots Vanessa Redgrave. Then it makes me think of Mike Myers as Austin Powers, snapping Ivana Humpalot, or some other satirised 60s siren, to this monologue: "Crazy baby. Give me some shoulder. Yes! Yes! Yes! No. No. Yes! And â?? done. Here you go, luv. I'm spent." Before chucking the camera, post-coitally, over his shoulder. Vaunted phallicism indeed.
We wander into a bedroom. "That's a dead bear," he says pointing to the pelt on the bed. "That's a dead tiger. And that," he says, pointing to a doll from the second Austin Powers film, "is little me." Bailey clearly accepts Mike Myers's back-handed tribute.
And getting your things out of austin's house Is going to be extremely difficult.
A zabranie swoich rzeczy z domu Austina będzie niezwykle trudne.
I could come be your research assistant, like in Austin.
Mogłabym być twoją asystentką jak w Austin.
I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where austin is.
Nigdzie nie pójdę dopóki nie powiecie mi, gdzie jest Austin.
Maybe we should drive into Austin and check out the crime scene.
Może powinniśmy pojechać do Austin. Sprawdzić miejsce zbrodni.
I was thinking maybe we could go to Austin and do some shopping.
Tak sobie pomyślałam... Może wybrałybyśmy się do Austin na zakupy.
Why didn't you mail it while we were in Austin?
Dlaczego nie wysłałeś tego kiedy byliśmy w Austin
And then on my last day in Austin, we decided to take mushrooms together.
W mój ostatni dzień w Austin, wybraliśmy się na grzyby.
And his boss told me that austin left the party With somebody else.
A jego szef powiedział mi, że Austin wyszedł z kimś z imprezy.
By this time tomorrow you'll wish you took that Austin job.
Jutro o tej samej porze będziesz marzył o posadzie w Austin.
Jeffrey is 12 years old, and that's right after he got back from Austin.
Tutaj ma 12 lat. To było zaraz po tym, jak wrócił z Austin.
They want me to transfer to Austin, do some therapy.
Chcą, żebym się przeniósł do Austin.
If you look, austin was reported missing by his boyfriend.
Proszę spojrzeć, zaginięcie Austina zgłosił jego chłopak.
Austin Tucker thinks that maybe we all saw something up there.
Austin Tucker uważa, że może wszyscy coś tam widzieliśmy.
Lab reports from Austin on that blood by the highway.
Raport z laboratorium w Austin o tym człowieku z autostrady.
Austin caught me in the first act It's all backwards, what's with that?
Austin złapał mnie na gorącym uczynku, Wszystko jest wstecz i co w tym złego,
He said he last saw austin going out at night.
Powiedział, że ostatni raz go widział, gdy wychodził na noc.
Well, you go tell Austin to come in here, and Will too.
Powiedz Austinowi żeby tu przyszedł i Willowi też.
Your stepmom and Austin, all in one day. how do you feel?
Twoja macocha i Austin, wszystko w jeden dzień. Jak się czujesz?
So we moved down to an apartment in austin.
Przeprowadziliśmy się więc do mieszkania w Austin.
Has Austin ever had dinner with your parents before?
Czy Austin miał kiedykolwiek wcześniej miał kolację z Twoimi rodzicami?
As for Austin and me, well, I finally got my cell phone back.
Co do Austina i mnie, cóż, w końcu odzyskałam swój telefon.
We do not know if austin's death was a murder or not.
Przysięgam, że nie wiemy, czy śmierć Austina była morderstwem czy nie.
Listen, I don't want you getting too close to Austin.
Słuchaj, nie chcę żebyś się zbytnio do niego zbliżyła. Tego nie było w planach.
Austin, these men were signed to guard you father.
Ci ludzie mieli chronić twojego ojca.
If Austin hadn't been in that supermarket, I might not be here.
Gdyby Austina nie było w tamtym sklepie mogłoby mnie tutaj nie być.
I killed a fang back in Austin, tracked the nest here.
Zabiłem Kła w Austin i wytropiłem gniazdo aż tutaj.
Uh, detective sanchez, What can you tell me about austin blair?
Detektywie Sanchez, co może mi pan powiedzieć o Austinie Blairu?
Mexico won't extradite Austin unless you agree to try him as a minor, period.
Meksyk nie wyda Austina chyba że będzie traktowany jako nieletni. Koniec kropka.
I need you here and so does Austin to help with his Eliminations.
Potrzebuję Cię tu i Austin również aby pomóc mu w eliminacjach.
They're not going to sell the Austin plant.
Nie sprzedadzą fabryki w Austin. To tylko plotki.
I'm on the bus on my way to Austin.
Jestem w autobusie, w drodze do Austin.
Austin flew all over the country -- Everywhere that his boss held a party.
Austin latał po całym kraju, wszędzie, gdzie szef jeździł z imprezą.
Would one of those have been austin blair?
Czy jednym z nich mógł być Austin Blair?
Anyone surrenders, we question them then send them to Austin for trial.
Jak któryś się podda, wtedy bierzemy go... ... i zabieramy do Austin na proces.
Should Austin wear a flower in his hair?
Austin powinien nosić kwiatka we włosach?
Team C, watch the exit of the financial building on Austin Road.
Drużyna C, obserwujcie wyjście biurowca funduszu inwestycyjnego na Costin Street.
My most cherished car is an Austin 7.
Moim ulubionym wozem jest Austin 7.
Austin and I spent Saturday night at the most charming...
Austin i ja spędziliśmy sobotnią noc w urzekającym pokoju hotelowym.
Austin and I are almost back together.
Austin i ja wracamy do siebie.
You want to know about austin's life?
Chcecie wiedzieć o życiu Austina?
Well, for one, Austin is my student. Two, we're in the puppet closet.
Po pierwsze, Austin jest moim uczniem. po drugie, jesteśmy w magazynie lalek.
Listen, past Austin... can you save the world while I go get the girl?
Słuchaj, przeszły Austinie... możesz się zająć ocalaniem świata podczas kiedy ja zajmę się Felicity?
Yes, Austin should be here any second.
Tak, Austin powinien tu być lada chwila.
The night we lost him, austin blair... Was wearing a wire.
W noc, kiedy go zgubiliśmy, Austin Blair, miał na sobie podsłuch.
No. do you know where austin is?
Wiecie gdzie jest Austin?
The music festival in the middle of the week in Austin, Texas, sweetheart.
Cześć kochanie, festiwal muzyczny w środku tygodnia w Austin, kochanie.
I could drop you off in Austin.
Mogę wysadzić cię w Austin.
Why can't you trust me about Austin?
Czemu nie możesz mi zaufać w sprawie Austina?