(Noun) Australijczyk, Australijka;
(Adjective) australijski;
australian automobile association - (Noun) Australijski Związek Motorowy;
australian broadcasting corporation - (Noun) Australian Broadcasting Corporation;
n C Australijczyk. adj australijski
adj australijski
s Australijczyk
adj., geogr. australijski
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
And you can't actually find them very easily for individual Australian states.
Wcale nie jest łatwo je znaleźć dla pojedyńczych stanów w Australii.
This is from a Australian Institute of Criminology report.
Pochodzą z raportu Australijskiego Instytutu Kryminologii.
And for that work, when I was a final year law student, I was chosen as the young Australian of the year.
Za tę pracę, kiedy kończyłam prawo, zostałam wybrana młodą Australijką roku.
(Laughter) So, according to this, the Australians and the Japanese as well as the Mexicans are very happy.
(Śmiech) Idąc tym tropem, Australijczycy i Japończycy oraz Meksykanie są bardzo szczęśliwi.
I have written to the Australian Prime Minister to convey the sincere sympathy of the European Parliament.
W swoim liście do premiera Australii wyraziłem szczere wyrazy współczucia ze strony Parlamentu Europejskiego.
Laurence Sunderland said rescuers on board a chartered Australian airline made contact with her earlier today and that she was alive.
"She's fine, the boat's afloat and she's on it," he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "It's huge, fantastic, exciting news."
"We were helping her troubleshoot her engine that she was trying to start to charge her systems. Satellite phone reception was patchy. She was able to get the water out of the engine and start up. We were waiting to hear back from her when American search and rescue authorities called to report having received a signal from her emergency beacon," they said. "We are working closely with American, French and Australian search and rescue authorities to coordinate several ships in the area to divert to her location."
The Daily Beast, a US news reporting and opinion website, reported that Pentagon investigators are trying to track down Julian Assange â?? an Australian citizen who moves frequently between countries â?? after the arrest of a US soldier last week who is alleged to have given the whistleblower website a classified video of American troops killing civilians in Baghdad.
Australia? Hmm. Obviously drinking Foster's is just above an enema on the great list of Things To Do Before You Die, but some of the stronger lagers are quite nice. And I like VB. So sue me! James Dart tells me that Coopers is "okay", while Oliver Owen argues that all Australian beers are "diuretics".
A man who has "lived through everything, shootings and bomb blasts and death", Filkins is the latest incarnation of the reporter as renegade, "untethered, floating free, figuring out the truth by a different set of standards". Like Junger, he is willing to get to the place of maximum danger, but tends, when he gets there, to drift into digressions that wind us more tightly into the scene. At which point, a still more illustrious antecedent comes to mind: Ryszard Kapuscinski. (Perhaps we can also glimpse the ghost of Alan Moorehead, the great Australian reporter of the second world war.)
Federer's defeat by Lleyton Hewitt in the Gerry Weber Open final in Halle was more than the interruption of a phenomenal run for only the second time (his first defeat was by Rafael Nadal at Wimbledon two years ago). For a start Federer had every reason to share the bookmakers' confidence that he would beat the Australian for the 16th time in a row.
Hewitt, naturally, was ecstatic. "Obviously it was a great win for me. I didn't know how I would be after having hip and knee surgery after the Australian Open. It is hard to know when you will be truly competitive again against the best players in the world. I showed glimpses against Nadal in Paris but today my movement was back.
Overall Federer declares himself satisfied with his form since winning the Australian Open final against Andy Murray in January but even the coolest Swiss on the planet will be privately concerned that he has lost ground to Nadal.
â?? Three Olly Barkley penalties earn England a 15-9 winâ?? Feeble Australian scrum allows stuttering comeback
I was surprised with the selection of the Australian mission.
Byłem zaskoczony selekcją na australijską misję.
At our request, the Australian federal police put him under house arrest.
Na nasze zlecenie Australijska policja federalna umieściła go w domowym areszcie.
No, that crazy cop and Australian guy will all be behind us.
Nie, że szalony policjant i Australijczyk facet zupełnie będzie za nas.
Our job is to get all Australian households to cut their carbon emissions.
Naszym zadaniem jest zmuszenie wszystkich australijskich gospodarstw domowych do redukcji emisji dwutlenku węgla.
Come on, just do the Australian accent, and I'll leave you alone.
Zrób australijski akcent i zostawię cię w spokoju.
The Australian on the Italian bike took everybody by surprise, including himself.
Australijczyk na włoskim motorze zaskoczył wszystkich, z sobą samym włącznie.
Oh, I thought the dad might've been Australian too.
Oh, pomyślałem, że tatuś też móglby być Australijczykiem.
No, I want to live with the super-hot Australian dancer!
Chcę mieszkać z super gorącą, australijską tancerką.
His Excellency asked the Australian priests to open a school here.
Jego Ekscelencja poprosił australijskich duchownych, by otworzyli tutaj szkołę.
A young man with a heavy Australian accent.
Młody człowiek o australijskim akcencie.
It's more virulent than the venom of the Australian brown box jellyfish.
Jest bardziej toksyczny niż jad meduz australijskich.
I mean,you got a boss who speaks Australian.
Masz szefa, który mówi po australijsku.
Especially one who dresses like an Australian's nightmare.
Zwłaszcza jeśli ubiera się jak australijski koszmar.
The Australian sun will scorch your congregation... as though they are in hell itself.
Australijskie słońce spali waszą parafię... jak gdyby byli samym piekle.
Bruce's bar and grill... were you answering the phone as an Australian?
Bar i grill u Bruce'a? odbierałeś telefon jako Australijczyk?
I figure you Australian thieves are the only thieves who can supply in bulk.
Myślę, że australijscy złodzieje to jedyni złodzieje, którzy mogą się zająć hurtem.
This is a job for the Australian!
To jest zadanie dla Australijczyka.
So this guy, was he an Australian?
Więc, ten facet, jest Australijczykiem?
One of them had an Australian accent.
Jeden z nich miał Australian akcent.
I showed some Australian children of a robot called Curio, which means curiosity.
Pokazałam kilku australijskim dzieciom pokaz z robotem o nazwie Curio, co oznacza ciekawość.
That's Australian for Armageddon outta here, it's the end of the world!.
To z austarlijskiego Armageddon outta here, to koniec świata!.
The Australian government last week said that Australian production this year will be down by 30%.
W ubiegłym tygodniu rząd australijski oświadczył, że tegoroczna produkcja australijska będzie o 30% niższa.
This australian woman comes up to jack afterwards
Kobieta z Australii przyszła do Jacka po pogrzebie.
The Rockhampton has been on maneuvers with the Australian squadron.
Rockhampton jest na manewrach z Australijczykami.
In other words, the Australian Customs Service will not have authorised access to these data directly from databases.
Innymi słowy australijska służba celna nie będzie miała prawa dostępu do tych danych bezpośrednio w bazach danych.
Tell me, Enrico, why do Australian boomerang sellers go bankrupt?
Powiedz mi, Enrico, czemu australijscy sprzedawcy bumerangów bankrutują?
Australian team look like true champions.
Australijski zespół wygląda jak prawdziwi mistrzowie.
Can you do an Australian accent?
Czy umiesz mówić z australijskim akcentem?
That's standard knowledge for Australian boys.
To standardowa wiedza dla australijskich chłopców.
We are also particularly pleased that the Australian authorities have confirmed that it is not worth collecting sensitive data such as food preferences.
Szczególnie cieszy nas również, że władze australijskie potwierdziły, iż nie warto zbierać danych szczególnie chronionych, takich jak preferencje co do posiłków.
Well, it was inevitable. ...sick of being called an Australian.
Cóż... to było nieuniknione. Miałem dość bycia nazywanym Australijczykiem.
Now I'll teach you a new Australian colloquialism.
Teraz nauczę cię nowego australijskiego zwyczaju.
He rode this in the Australian Open.
Bez kitu, to ich używał podczas Australian Open.
Atlassian is an Australian software company.
Atlassian jest Australijska firmą produkującąoprogramowanie.
You like that Australian beer?
Lubisz australijskie piwo?
That was an Australian joke.
To nie był gejowski żart, tylko australijski!
I thought you were Australian like David Bowie.
Pomyślałem byłeś australijski tak jak David Bowie.
The Australian Government has calculated that the real number of acts of piracy is two thousand per cent higher.
Według obliczeń australijskiego rządu, prawdziwa liczba ataków pirackich jest o 2 tysiące procent wyższa.
Crush. I need to the East Australian Current.
Muszę się dostać do Wschodnioaustralijskiego Prądu Morskiego.
That's why you or I can dream the same dream as the Australian Aborigine.
To dlatego pan czy ja możemy śnić ten sam sen co australijscy Aborygeni.
To Australian places.. And girls in those places!
Za australijskie krajobrazy... i laski mieszkające wśród nich!
God help us if we believe that we can compete with cheap Australian or American wines - we must insist on this point.
Niech nas Bóg broni, jeśli sądzimy, że możemy konkurować z tanimi winami australijskimi czy amerykańskimi - musimy na tą kwestię naciskać.
Australian bills- crisp, all sequential.
Australijskie banknoty szeleszczące, wszystkie kolejne.
Austrian not australian.
Austriacki, nie australijski.
General Buchanan of the Australian Air Force.
Generał Buchanan z Sił Powietrznych Australii.
And perhaps also to the testosterone boosting powers of his Australian girlfriend, Lauren Vickers.
A może też umiejętności podwyższania poziomu testosteronu, cechującej jego australijską przyjaciółkę, Lauren Vickers.
It's Australian country in the flattop...
W końcu to australijski kraj...
It's like an Australian Shiraz.
Jak australijski Shiraz.
I have written to the Australian Prime Minister to convey the sincere sympathy of the European Parliament.
W swoim liście do premiera Australii wyraziłem szczere wyrazy współczucia ze strony Parlamentu Europejskiego.