Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski



ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Next Sunday, 18 April, will be Baylee Almon's 16th birthday. There will be a party and cakes, and her younger half-sister Bella and half-brother Brooks will be there. A place will be set for Baylee, but she will attend in spirit only, not in body. The day after her first birthday, on 19 April 1995, six years before 11 September 2001, Baylee was one of 168 people â?? including 19 children and babies â?? who died in a bomb attack on American soil.
A few months earlier, all I'd wanted in the world was a child. The father would be a special part of our lives, but I'd be a mum on my own. That didn't deter me. But now in the hospital, where I was supposed to be taking meticulous notes, I froze. I've been a nomad most of my life, uninterested in and unhindered by the domestic. "Babies need homes, Ellie" â?? the warnings of a South African soldier friend echoed in my head.
Border crossings require resolve. Getting on a plane, getting married, moving, taking a job, writing the first words. Babies cry themselves to sleep resisting the transition from wakefulness to slumber. Throughout my life I've kept a classification of the two kinds of people in the world: those who dwell in the land of ambivalence and those who give it a glance and drive on. Those who know where they're going, and the perpetual rubberneckers. I had no idea what I was getting into when I flew up to the Korengal Outpost, met Kearney, and realised I'd have to stick it out for two months to tell the story I was after. But it's no surprise to me that I ended up in extremis, completely distracted through the middle of pregnancy.
"To me, it's about preventing child abuse," she says. "This is legal child abuse." Babies are being born in withdrawal, underweight, with serious medical problems, she says, and if they survive, they are destined to a bleak future. "What's the quality of life they're going to have? How many problems are they going to have? The cycle will keep repeating itself. But it's preventable. It's just common sense to me."
Two more children, Taylor and Brandon, were born to the same mother in quick succession, and Harris and Smitty took them on, too. After adopting the four drug-exposed babies, now aged 20, 19, 18 and 17, Harris launched her crusade. First, she tried to have a bill passed in California that would force women who gave birth to substance-exposed babies to be sterilised or put on long-term birth control. The bill wasn't passed, but Harris didn't give up.
The children help run Project Prevention from the family home in Concord, North Carolina. They go on family excursions in a 30ft Project Prevention motor home, adorned with images of critically ill babies under slogans such as "She has her daddy's eyes and her mother's addiction". "It gets people talking," Harris says. "I've had my kids' friends come along, too. We just go out and they pass out flyers. They enjoy it. It's a good experience for my kids because they've seen it for themselves and they know it's nowhere they want to go."
I wonder if she feels compassion for the addicts whose fertility she has bought. What about those who come off drugs and want to start a family? "I think I'm more caring than someone who just ignores what they're doing. These women don't want to be having babies that are taken away from them, because that's something they're going to have to live with for the rest of their lives. If I was strung out on drugs, I'd hope that somebody would stop my irresponsible behaviour."
While Bond says she wants to spend her $300 on starting a new life with her daughter, Harris accepts that many others will use their Project Prevention money to buy drugs. "That's their choice." She sighs, wearily. "The babies don't have a choice."
Then she begins talking about women in Africa who have Aids, "My thinking is, why are they having these babies? I'm sorry â?? tell me that you don't agree! If you know you have Aids, why are you getting pregnant and having babies that you know are going to have Aids? Babies are suffering. It's preventable."
The Guardian investigation focused on vascular surgery, where there is a significant risk of dying in planned operations, but the conclusions apply to every other branch of medicine â?? with the exception of heart surgery, where doctors collect and publish their individual results. They embraced transparency following the Bristol babies scandal in the late 1990s, when doctors were struck off the medical register over the deaths of babies who underwent operations for heart defects that they might have survived at other hospitals.

I want to have a lot of babies with you.
Chcę mieć z tobą dużo dzieci.

And go today, because I am not taking care of any babies.
I idź dzisiaj, ponieważ nie będę niańczyć żadnych dzieci.

You see, men are like babies when they have sex.
Widzisz, jeśli chodzi o sex, to mężczyźni są jak dzieci.

When your children were babies, how did you hold them?
Jak trzymałaś swoje dzieci kiedy były małe?

We could have used a couple of these babies a while back.
Szkoda, że wcześniej nie mogliśmy użyć tych dziecinek. Teraz je mamy.

I always have room for you two here, my babies.
Zawsze znajde dla was miejsce, moje skarbenki.

You did it for me and the other little babies.
Zrobiłeś to dla mnie i dla innych dzieci!

The truth is, nobody ever wanted to have babies with you.
Prawda jest taka, że nikt nigdy nie chciał mieć z panią dzieci.

Now I will dance with you until we have 6 babies and a house.
A teraz będziemy tańczyć, aż będziemy mieli sześcioro dzieci i swój dom.

It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them.
Każdy mężczyzna ma prawo mieć dzieci, jeśli chce.

If you field this one, I'll tell him where babies come from.
Jeśli zajmiesz się tym, powiem, skąd biorą się dzieci.

If god wanted us to kill babies, he'd make them all Chinese girls.
Jeśli Bóg chciałby, żebyśmy zabijali dzieci, wszystkie byłyby chińskimi dziewczynkami.

Doesn't anybody understand that I'm going to be having babies soon?
Nikt nie rozumie, że zaraz będę rodzić?

All the more reason to bring some normal babies into this world, no?
To masz powód, żeby sprowadzić kogoś normalnego na ten świat.

A lot of people decide to have babies at home.
Wielu ludzi decyduje się na rodzenie dziecka w domu.

But people have babies in the desert all the time.
Ale ludzie mają dzieci na pustyniach cały czas.

They say one out of every three babies born is Chinese.
Mówią, że jedno na każde trzy urodzone dzieci jest Chińczykiem.

From what I remember about babies, they wake up a lot.
Z tego, co pamiętam o dzieciach, to one budzą się często.

Women are going to have not only the babies to look after, but also the elderly.
Kobiety będą musiały się opiekować nie tylko dziećmi, ale także seniorami.

Man gets to stay home all day, swimming in babies.
Mężczyzna siedzi w domu przez cały dzień, opiekując się dziećmi.

I must've been a fool having three babies by you.
Musiałam być głupia, że zrobiłam z tobą troje dzieci.

Or my hungry babies will have to open them for you.
Albo moje głodne maluszki będą musiały je za ciebie otworzyć.

I thought you were tired, all your babies and that.
Myślałem, że męczą cię tak te twoje dzieci.

It's not proper to have babies by more than one girl at a time.
Nie można mieć dzieci z więcej niż jedną dziewczyną.

You don't have to stay here with us. We're not babies.
Nie musisz tu z nami siedzieć, nie jesteśmy dziećmi.

Think they will like you, at this store to buy clothes for babies?
Będziesz miała dziecko? Chciałabyś, żeby zarobiło się na śmierć w fabryce, produkując dziecięce ciuszki?

It's normal to think about babies when you reach a certain age.
W pewnym wieku myśli się o dzieciach.

I believe that having both parents at home is vital for babies during their first weeks of life.
Uważam, że obecność obojga rodziców w domu jest bardzo ważna dla niemowląt w pierwszych tygodniach życia.

Babies deserve to have a mom in their life, too.
a dzieci zasługują by w ich życiu była również matka.

Hey, tell the nice lady what you know about babies.
Hej, powiedz tej miłej pani, co wiesz na temat dzieci.

I didn't expect to find you here staring at babies.
Nie spodziewałam się, że cię tu znajdę, gapiącego się na dzieci.

Tell mom I love her and good luck with the babies.
Powiedz mamie, ze ja kocham i zycze jej powodzenia z dzieciakami.

That myth about a young mother having pretty babies isn't true.
Ten mit o młodych matkach mających ładne dzieci jest nieprawdą.

Drop a couple of these babies in her drink, man.
Wrzuć trochę tych maleństw do jej drinka.

Yeah! I make fun of my parents, but these babies are sweet.
Nabijam się z moich rodziców, ale ten fotel jest super.

Babies were born, people died. A lot of folks been through that old house.
Dzieci się rodzą, a ludzie umierają. Kupa ludzi przewinęła się przez ten dom.

Father wants all the girls here to mature quickly, so they can have babies.
Ojciec chciał bym szybko dojrzała, żeby rodzić dzieci.

We're only beginning to persuade them to come to hospital to have their babies.
Dopiero zaczynamy je przekonywać, żeby przychodziły rodzić w szpitalu.

There's time for more babies later. After she grows up.
Na dzieci będzie miała czas później, jak dorośnie.

We need a code word: yeah, something that says, the babies coming.
Potrzebujemy słowa klucza! Coś co mówi dziecko się rodzi!.

Lucky for me, I'm sitting in one of these babies.
Szczęśliwie dla mnie, siedzę na tej ślicznotce.

It's almost as if people don't want to hear that their babies are ugly.
Wygląda, na to ludzie że ludzie nie chcą słuchać, że ich dzieci są brzydkie

You find a mate, have his babies and then eat him.
Znajdujesz partnera, rodzisz mu dzieci, a potem go zjadasz.

There are a lot of babies in our own backyard who need homes.
Istnieje wiele dzieci na naszym własnym podwórku, które potrzebują domów.

The political discussion about whether babies' and small children's fingerprints are really needed is not yet over.
Polityczna dyskusja nad faktyczną koniecznością pobierania odcisków palców od niemowląt i małych dzieci jeszcze nie dobiegła końca.

It happens to be how women lift cars off babies.
To tak, jak z kobietami podnoszącymi samochód, by wydostać dziecko.

It is said that the youth as crying like babies.
Uważa się, że odgłosy młodych brzmią tak samo jak płacz dziecka.

Do you think that babies can Squeeze your bag to leave?
Jak myślisz, czy dziecko może przy wychodzeniu rozdrapać ci pochwę?

I warned you not to do this. Hello my babies!
Ostrzegałem cię, abyś tego nie robiła.

Not bad is good when you have five babies in your uterus.
Nie najgorzej to całkiem nieźle jak na 5 dzieciaków w twojej macicy.