(Noun) brandy; winiak, koniak; likier;
cherry brandy - wiśniówka;
n U (cognac) brandy
brandy, koniak, winiak
s brandy (rodzaj wódki)
n brandy
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
"There are stories about rescue parties going to a pub and having to dig for bodies, which is a very grisly task; one of the leaders of such a rescue party found a bottle of brandy and passed it round his men to have a swig to stiffen their sinews and he was actually sentenced to six months in prison.
Felicity Cloake examines every aspect of the main course and makes mince pies and brandy butter to keep everyone goingJump to: turkey and gravySage and onion stuffingCranberry sauce and bread sauceRoast potatoes and Brussels sproutsMince pies and brandy butter.
They are usually written with experienced cooks in mind, often leaving measurements and methods less precise than we're used to, for example white wine and brandy for a canard en daube in French Country Cooking are measured by the tumbler and liqueur glass respectively.
It's perfectly palatable with just milk, but to really push the boat out, stir in a little of the clotted cream you can also use for your brandy butter - it doesn't water down the sauce as much as the double cream more normally used for the purpose, and it gives a less greasy finish than butter.
It's much better than the brandy we used to have.
Jest dużo lepsza niż brandy, która my tu pijamy.
I don't think he wants to talk to you, Brandy.
Nie chce z tobą gadać.
I never drink more than one brandy and even this is sometimes too much.
Nigdy nie pijam więcej jak jednego a i to czasami jest za dużo.
The brandy your wife brought me every day did the trick.
Brandy, którą twoja żona mi przynosiła, co dzień zadziałała.
There is no more brandy, sir, except at the bottom of the river.
Nie ma już brandy poza tą, która leży na dnie rzeki.
Don't give him the brandy. I need it for the cake.
Proszę mu nie dawać brandy, bo będzie mi potrzebne do ciasta.
Give me that plum brandy and something to open it with.
Daj mi to dobre brandy i jakiś otwieracz.
A guy goes into a bar and orders ten shots of brandy.
Facet wchodzi do baru i zamawia dziesięć kolejek brandy.
After what happened, I had to have a brandy.
Po tym wszystkim musiałam napić się brandy.
What have you in mind - marijuana, cocaine or brandy?
Co masz na myśli - ganja, koka czy brandy?
I mean, he's a nice kid, but he passed up sleeping with Brandy, man.
Mam na myśli, on jest miłym dzieckiem, ale on przepuścił sypianie z Brandy, człowiek.
If I don't take brandy, cigarettes, how much for fuel?
A jeśli zrezygnuję z brandy i fajek, ile to wyniesie?
Lasse, run down to the store and get us some brandy.
Lasse, biegnij do sklepu po koniak.
Could I have some water in this brandy, please?
Mogłabym dostać do tej brandy trochę wody?
They didn't die with a brandy glass in hand.
They nie umarli z kieliszkiem do brady w ręce.
Speaking of which, did you seal the deal with that Brandy chick?
A wracając do tematu, przypieczętowałeś umowę z tą cizią Brandy?
They probably used my best brandy to ignite the blaze.
Pewnie używali mojej najlepszej brandy do podsycania ognia.
Kirill, go down into the cellar and bring up some brandy.
Kirill, zejdź do piwnicy i przynieś trochę brandy.
No, I'm just at the Brandy library with a friend.
Nie. Jestem tylko w Brandy Library z przyjaciółką.
My learned patient is not above substituting brandy for cocoa.
Mój czcigodny pacjent nie zamierza chyba zastąpić kakao brandy.
There is enough poison in that brandy to kill an ox.
Trucizna w tej brandy wystarczy by zabić wołu.
Brandy, I'm sitting here with a friend of yours.
Siedzę tu z twym przyjacielem.
Well, I always say brandy is the best sleeping draft
Cóż, zawsze powtarzam, że brandy jest najlepszym usypiaczem.
There's nothing in it but half a bottle of brandy and some shaving cream.
Mam tam pół butelki brandy i krem do golenia.
Rick and Gabby are sitting with brandy glasses before them.
Rick i Gabby siedzą ze szklankami brandy przed sobą.
The great African ape says he wants some brandy.
Wielka afrykańska małpa mówi, że chce brandy.
Would you like some brandy in that, Father?
Chciałby ksiądz do tego trochę brandy?
There's over 200 cases of brandy, wine and champagne.
Ponad dwieście skrzynek brandy, wina i szampana.
You should be in bed with a brandy.
Powinieneś być w łóżku z brandy.
Now, as he forces one last brandy to her unwilling lips...
Teraz, gdy on siłą wlewa w nią ostatnie brandy do jej niechętnych ust...
I can assume, then, that you're out of brandy?
Zakładam zatem, że skończyła ci się brandy?
French and English want to pay with wampum and brandy.
Francuzi i Anglicy chcą płacić wampum'ami i brandy.
The house safe is for brandy and grandmother's pearls.
Wasz sejf jest na brandy i babcine perełki.
And bring me a bottle of that medicinal brandy.
I przynieś mi butelkę tej leczniczej brandy.
But Brandy's all that and a bag of tits.
Ale Brandy ma wszystko i parę dużych cycków.
Joel, you better have a shot of brandy.
Joel, lepiej strzel sobie brandy.
What I wanted: a bottle of old brandy.
To co chciałaś butelka starej brandy.
Maybe he ought to have a little brandy.
Być może on powinien mieć trochę brandy.
My uncle has a couple of bottles of excellent old French brandy.
Mój wuj miał parę butelek znakomitej francuskiej brandy.
Let's go to the salon for a brandy.
Chodźmy do sali na brandy.
Hot bath and a brandy and I'll be fine.
Gorąca kąpiel i brandy i nic mi nie będzie.
Come on, Brandy, you need to help me.
No dalej Brandy, musisz mi pomóc.
They sent a waitress whose name was Brandy.
Przysłali kelnerkę, która miała na imię Brandy.
Oh, yes, they named a brandy after Napoleon.
A, tak, zrobili koniak z Napoleona.
You want me to drink brandy for supper?
Mam pić koniak do kolacji?
Nana, fetch soft soap and the brandy from the medicine chest.
Nana, przynieś delikatne mydło. I brandy z apteczki.
Oh, Little Joe, give me that brandy, will you?
Oh, Mały Joe, możesz dać mi te brandy?
A Sazerac for both of us. With whiskey, not brandy.
Sazerac dwa razy, z whiskey, nie z koniakiem.
I have some Napoleon brandy in the basement.
W piwnicy mam trochę brandy Napoleon.
There's some brandy in Reynolds' medical cabinet, go and borrow some.
W szafce szpitalnej Reynoldsa jest brandy. Pożycz trochę.