adj. ozdobiony
adj. udekorowany; odznaczony
~ with medals - adj. udekorowany medalami
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
"Chelsea have established themselves as one of the best clubs in Europe over the last five years. They might not have the history of Real Madrid or Milan but they are creating their own history now. There is no reason why in the future Chelsea can't be as decorated as Real Madrid."
Of the two, Union Atlantic is the more conventional, in that it is the sort of big picture, multi-character novel that we are accustomed to American authors producing â?? the kind of work Franzen himself might have written. At its centre is Doug Fanning, a former naval officer who, after quitting the service in the late 1980s (he was heavily decorated despite having been responsible for blowing up an Iranian passenger jet), pursues a stratospherically successful career at Union Atlantic, a Boston bank. When he joined, Union Atlantic made most of its money from "checking accounts to the public". But as head of its Department of Special Plans, Doug has spearheaded a rapid drive into casino banking, turning Union Atlantic into one of the four largest financial companies in the country. Exploiting the new climate of deregulation, Doug employs various not-quite-legal methods, including creating a holding company whose sole purpose is to facilitate "lending across the house", from the company's commercial to its investment arm. "This wasn't illegal, strictly speaking, but the lawyers and auditors knew enough to keep the details in the footnotes," Haslett writes. Doug isn't a Bernie Madoff, then, but he isn't far from being a Jeff Skilling.
Using a newly developed laser to burn away centuries of calcium deposits without damaging the paintings beneath, the team found the late 4th-century images in the richly decorated tomb of a Roman noblewoman.
Count Guglielmo Libri Carucci dalla Sommaja was more than a respected scientist and a decorated professor of mathematics. He was also â?? and more notoriously â?? a book thief, guilty of intellectual larceny on an international scale.
At the time, Noriega, who ruled Panama from 1981 to 1989, was welcomed in France at the highest levels of state. He was decorated with the L?©gion d'honneur â?? the country's highest award â?? by the then president, Fran?§ois Mitterrand, during an official visit in 1987 and allowed to open accounts with large French banks.
"Coffee should be as black as hell, as strong as death and as sweet as love," runs the famous Turkish proverb, painted on one wall. My flat white certainly has a complexity of flavour that puts the high street chains to shame. Popular with yummy mummies and young professionals, this long, quirkily decorated "coffee house and canteen" is, perhaps, a touch smarter than that title suggests, but the food - which, from lunch onwards, centres on ciabattas, salads and a selection of interesting stone-baked flat bread 'pizzas' - is good value. A breakfast dish of eggs Florentine (Â?6.50) is well rendered, the perfectly poached eggs perched on sweetish muffins and slathered in a creditable lemony Hollandaise.
The final event of the festival is a midnight dance at the Folklife Center, headlined by the Hurtin' Albertans. It's the last of the four shows they've played this week, and they've stepped it up on the sartorial front, gracing the stage in embroidered tuxedos. The effort is reflected in the crowd too, and I need to remind myself that these people in hats, boots, pristine jeans and radiantly decorated shirts are not in fancy dress: these are their town clothes. And this is their music, straightforward and heartfelt, with fathoms of wisdom and humour likely to be lost on anyone who can't or won't see past the surface.
Decorated with layers of feedback, Empty Room sounds thrillingly chaotic, but, as the closing Month Of May thunders along, it seems in constant danger of slipping its mooring entirely and descending into noise.
In Seattle, maps of Africa and southern Asia, the foundation's main areas of activity outside America, are pinned up in the often empty, sparsely decorated offices and cubicles. There are also cuttings about the foundation's work from the Economist and the Wall Street Journal, not publications you might have previously associated with a big interest in global disease and poverty. And lying on the foundation's standard-issue, utilitarian desks, there are its confidently written and comprehensively illustrated reports: Ghana: An Overall Success Story is the title of one left in the unoccupied office I have been lent between interviews.
The show includes intimate and moving portraits as well as other ways of representing the self. Many patients have opted for making boxes which are potent metaphors for memory â?? receptacles filled with jewels, coral, birds, babies, a leaping dolphin. There are recycled books here too â?? decorated with haunting phrases (I loved the "how much longer envelope"). As I looked, it struck me that collage is the perfect art form for people suffering neurological damage because it works with the broken, reconstitutes it and makes it whole. Caton puts it like this: "The power of collage is the freedom of choice, the rebuilding of a story that may tell us something about the patients' lives. It may also reflect the fragmentary nature of their memories."
Before we had our house decorated, so this must have been very early.
Zanim urządziliśmy dom, więc to musiało być wcześnie.
The 15 men who fought with me got decorated too.
ludzi, którzy ze mną walczyli, też dostali.
He is one of the most highly decorated officers in Russian military history.
Jest jednym z najczęściej odznaczanych oficerów w historii rosyjskiej armii.
That a decorated marine calls you instead of the cops?
Mówisz mi, że odznaczany marine dzwonił do ciebie zamiast do glin?
Do you really care if your mom wins best decorated cake?
Zależy ci aby mama wygrała konkurs na najlepsze ciasto?
So, why is my room decorated like a hospital?
Dlaczego mój pokój wygląda jak szpital?
Shelly has a new apartment that needs to be decorated.
Shelly ma nowy apartament i musi mieć dekoratora wnętrz.
Don Self is a decorated agent and an honorable man.
Don Self jest uczciwym agentem i człowiekiem honoru.
It's not really my apartment that I want decorated.
Tak naprawdę nie chcę dekorować mieszkania.
And my house doesn't look like it was decorated by a drunk rugby player.
I moje mieszkanie nie wygląda jak projekt pijanego zawodnika rugby.
He's so decorated for such a young man.
Jak na tak młodego jest bogato odznaczony.
Dan Gillespie was a decorated cop and soldier, just getting himself back together.
Dan Gillespie był odznaczonym policjantem i żołnierzem, który właśnie się pozbierał.
Third sister's house is decorated like a stage.
Dom trzeciej siostry jest urządzony jak scena
Sure, especially when it's going to be decorated soon
Pewnie, zwłaszcza że niedługo będzie tu znowu otwarte.
So we've decorated our whole house according to feng shui.
Więc nasz dom urządziliśmy zgodnie z feng shui.
This former new jersey state trooper Was decorated twice for valor.
Ten były policjant z New Jersey był odznaczany dwukrotnie za męstwo.
Corporal price was a decorated marine trained in combat.
Kapral Price był odznaczonym Marine, przeszkolonym w akcji.
I like how you decorated the room.
Podoba mi się to, co zrobiłeś z pokojem.
Sally's high-school sweetheart is a decorated war veteran, a real American hero.
Tak! Szkolną miłością Sally, jest odznaczony medalami weteran wojenny.. ...prawdziwy amerykański bohater.
Youngest man ever decorated by the President.
Najmłodszy człowiek odznaczony kiedykolwiek przez prezydenta.
The most decorated nurse in the army.
Najbardziej odznaczona pielęgniarka w armii.
Russian military officer, decorated for bravery in Afghanistan.
Rosyjski oficer, z medalem za odwagę w Afganistanie.
Heshe thought that will be decorated as it was decorated.
Wszystko dzieje się tak szybko, że myślałem, że wystrój będzie taki, jaki był wcześniej.
That Jerome, I want him decorated with something.
Że Hieronim, chcę go urządzony z czymś.
And your wife decorated this office.
I twoja żona urządziła to biuro.
Your word against a decorated agent.
Twoje słowo przeciwko słowu odznaczonego agenta
The president twice decorated him for bravery.
Prezydent dwukrotnie odznaczał go za odwagę.
John DeCamp is among the most highly decorated Vietnam veterans.
John DeCamp jest jednym z najbardziej wyróżnionych weteranów wojny w Wietnamie.
I like how you decorated and... Like, you put stuff on shelves.
Podoba mi się jak tu urządziłaś i... jak poukładałaś rzeczy na półkach.
And Mac Taylor is a highly decorated detective.
A Mac Taylor jest wysoce zasłużonym detektywem.
The President of the United States decorated me at the White House.
Prezydent Stanów Zjednoczonych osobiście mnie udekorował w Białym Domy.
One of my huntsmen wishes this decorated.
Jeden z moich mysliwych chce miec to udekorowane.
My wife decorated this room.
Moja żona dekorowała ten pokój.
You decorated it, all right?
Ty go zaprojektowałaś, w porządku?
Desert storm vet and decorated war hero.
Weteran Pustynnej Burzy i odznaczony bohater wojenny.
He is Norway's most decorated citizen.
Jest najbardziej odznaczonym obywatelem Norwegii.
Um... Jim Morrison is the oldest son of a decorated navy officer.
Jim Morrison był najstarszym synem wysokiego stopnia oficera Marynarki Wojennej.
Our decorated hero turned into a communist
Nasz odznaczony bohater zamienił się w komunistę.
Brian Watt is a decorated physician.
Brian Watt to odznaczany lekarz.
Sixty-five rooms tastefully decorated, with private bathroom and shower...
komfortowych pokoi, z toaletą i prysznicem...
Miss Whitehead decorated this room.
Panna Whitehead dekorowała ten pokój.
Well, they suggested Enrique Gorostieta... an experienced, decorated general and strategist.
Zasugerowali Enrique Gorostietę. To doświadczony, odznaczony generał i strateg.
Assault, burglary, drunk and disorderly. And yet Henry is a decorated soldier.
Napaść, włamanie, picie i awantury, ale jednak Henry jest odznaczonym żołnierzem.
Decorated war veteran, William Williams!
Odznaczony medalami, weteran wojenny - William Williams!
This is very tastefully decorated...
To jest bardzo gustownie urządzone...
Excellent horseman. Fine swordsman. Decorated six times, including the Southern Cross of Honor.
Doskonały jeździec, świetny szermierz, odznaczony 6 razy, łącznie z Krzyżem Południa,
That's Captain Eric Newbauer, decorated veteran.
To kapitan Eric Neubauer, odznaczony weteran.