(Noun) geografia stolica Indii;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
That's the hospital we're working with in Delhi, the Schroff Charity Eye Hospital.
To szpital z którym współpracujemy w Delhi, nazywa się Schroff Charity Eye Hospital.
In Delhi, we used to live -- we used to call it a chhat or the khota.
W Delhi mieszkaliśmy w czymś, co zwykliśmy nazywaliśmy chata albo khota.
I had very good friends there, who are from Delhi, who are from Mumbai.
Miałam tam dobrych przyjaciół, którzy przyjechali z Deli, z Mombaju.
(Laughter) Approximately 5,000 miles from Delhi is the little town of Gateshead.
(Śmiech) Około 5 tys. mil od Delhi jest małe miasteczko Gateshead.
Actually, sitting here today in Mysore, we're closer to Malé than we are to Delhi, for example.
Właściwie, siedząc tu dziś w Mysore jesteśmy bliżej Malé niż na przykład Dehli.
There were demonstrations in India, and Mirza's picture was burnt on the streets of Bhopal, where activists from the rightwing Hindu nationalist Vishwa Hindu Parishad party vowed to stop her competing at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi later in the year.
"The decision of the couple to stay in Dubai instead of Pakistan speaks volumes about the societal and political scenario in Pakistan and the kind of ties New Delhi and Islamabad share," said Smruti S. Pattanaik, a research fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses in Delhi. Some fear the whole affair shows that the prospects for overcoming divisions have actually deteriorated in recent years.
Unlike in many "honour killings" â?? such as that of a girl and her lower caste boyfriend beaten to death with iron rods in another Delhi neighbourhood earlier this month â?? older family members were not involved.
Unlike in many "honour killings" â?? such as that of a girl and her lower caste boyfriend beaten to death with iron rods in another Delhi neighbourhood earlier this month â?? older family members were not involved.
Others complained of being assaulted. "Not only did they break the school, but they beat us too," said Harpyari Devi, 24, a mother of three children at the school. Senior policemen at the scene refused to comment. Officials from the Delhi municipal authorities were unavailable this weekend.
The foundation has branch offices in Washington DC, Delhi and Beijing. This year, it opened an office in London, not in one of the scruffy inner suburbs usually inhabited by charities, but close to the Houses of Parliament.
In a speech to Indian business leaders in Bangalore, the prime minister spoke of his horror when terrorists attacked Mumbai in 2008, for which Delhi blamed the Pakistani authorities.
Cameron said he had discussed the terror threat from Pakistan with the US president, Barack Obama last week. He will also discuss it tomorrow in Delhi with Manmohan Singh, the Indian prime minister.
Speaking in Delhi this morning on the second and final day of his visit to India, the prime minister said: "I don't think the British taxpayer wants me to go around the world saying what people want to hear."
The prime minister initiated the row yesterday morning in a speech to Indian business leaders in Bangalore, when he spoke of his horror at the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai for which Delhi directly blamed the Pakistani authorities.
Will she tell him this news after he comes from Delhi?
Czy ona im powie, jak wrócą z Delhi?
It was 40 years ago, in the heat of Delhi late one night.
To było 40 lat temu, w gorącym Delhi, późno w nocy...
The job that was stuck in Delhi started with your effort.
Praca, która utknęła w Delhi, ruszyła naprzód dzięki twoim wysiłkom
I know who's behind the incident that took place in Delhi.
Wiem kto stoi za tym wydarzeniem, które miało miejsce w Delhi.
You sit in Delhi and play songs on the radio.
Mieszkasz sobie w Delhi i puszczasz piosenki w radiu.
Most people in Delhi are immune which is why he couldn't get cover.
Większość ludzi w Delhi jest odporna dlatego on nie mógł dostać przepustki.
By the way were we in Delhi during the '84 riots?
Tak przy okazji, byliśmy w Delhi podczas zamieszek w '84 ?
Congress leaders are selling it on the streets of Delhi.
Liderzy Kongresu sprzedają ją na ulicach Delhi.
Just say good-bye to all this and come back to Delhi with me.
Pożegnaj się z tym wszystkim i wróć ze mną do Delhi.
There's going to be a big blast in Delhi tomorrow.
Będzie jutro duży wybuch w Delhi.
For the attack on delhi but you marriage arrange with king sister.
W ataku na Delhi Ale przecież jesteś zaręczony z siostrą króla.
And he's the one who knows Delhi the best.
I jest jednym z tych, którzy znają Delhi najlepiej.
They're taking your friend to Delhi, and from there to America.
Chcą zabrać twojego przyjaciela do Delhi, a stamtąd do Ameryki.
I want to sight - see Delhi, not your bald head.
Chcę zobaczyć Delhi, a nie twoją łysinę.
I am sorry madam, but the flight to Delhi just took off.
Przykro mi proszę pani, ale samolot do Delhi właśnie odleciał.
I wore a similar wig to a ball in Delhi.
Taką samą perukę miałam raz na balu w Delhi.
But they told me in New Delhi that nothing more is needed.
W New Delhi powiedzieli, że nie potrzebuję nic więcej. Źle cię poinformowano.
Yeah, that was when we were young and in New Delhi.
Byliśmy młodzi i mieszkaliśmy w New Delhi.
Can you give us a guide to take us to Delhi?
Czy przewodnik mógłby zabrać nas do Delhi?
I will be your driver as long as you are in Delhi.
Będę waszym kierowcą jak długo będziecie w Delhi.
His wife was on a train from delhi to mumbai, Leaving one hour later.
Jego żona z Delhi do Mumbai godzinę później.
The Delhi crowds, who will look out for her?
Zatłoczone Delhi, kto będzie na nią uważał?
Reminds me of my parents' house back in New Delhi.
Przypomina mi dom rodziców w Nowym Delhi.
Those murders in new delhi might never have happened.
Te morderstwa w New Delhi mogłyby sie nigdy nie zdarzyć.
If this bomb explodes in Delhi, there'll be nuclear war.
Jeśli ta bomba wybuchnie w Delhi, będzie wojna nuklearna.
My friend saw them boarding a plane for Delhi.
Mój przyjaciel widział, jak wsiadali do samolotu do Delhi.
There's no way I'm letting my girl play in a big city like Delhi.
Nie ma mowy, bym pozwolił ci grać w tak dużym mieście, jak Delhi.
All our Visas to go to delhi are ready.
Wszystkie nasze wizy na wyjazd do Delhi są gotowe.
The new centre should open in New Delhi by the end of the year.
Ten nowy ośrodek ma zostać otwarty w New Delhi przed końcem roku.
King hind get this chance and he get delhi's government.
Król Himu wykorzystał okazję i przejął rządy w państwie Delhi.
Your dear prince from Delhi His car had a 4-tyre flat.
Kto? Twój książę z Delhi! Jego samochód złapał gumę w czterech kołach!
I remember he wanted to go to Delhi.
Pamiętam, że on chciał pojechać do Delhi.
Listen, cant you send me to Delhi by boat?
Posłuchaj, czy nie możesz wysłać mnie do Delhi statkiem?
Delhi is a place for those who love life
Delhi jest dla tych, co kochają życie
I'll make one phone and get all the facilities transferred to Delhi
Wykonam jeden telefon i wszystkie te udogodnienia medyczne przeniesiemy do Delhi.
Oooh, it was so crowded and noisy coming from Delhi.
Było tak ciasno i głośno podczas lotu z Delhi.
And just like this you will see Delhi.
I w ten sposób zobaczysz Delhi.
No.. just wanted to check out whether these Delhi dudes can play.
Wiem. Chciałam się tylko przekonać... ...czy ci stołeczni potrafią grać.
On the way to Delhi, you will stop at Pankot.
W drodze do Delhi, wstąpicie do Pankot.
Stuff like this is hard to find even in Delhi or Bombay.
Takie rzeczy trudno znaleść nawet w Delhi albo Bombaju.
A man had una cosa about bats, wanted to go to Delhi.
A man had una cosa about bats, chciał jechać do Delhi.
Terrorists have hit new delhi. - they're closing the other side.
Terroryści uderzyli w New Delhi. - Zamykają tamtą stronę.
That city can also be our capital, New Delhi.
Tym miastem mogłaby być nasza stolica, Nowe Delhi.
They were all killed in 1984 in one single day, in Delhi.
Wszyscy zginęli tego samego dnia w 1984 roku w Delhi.
Sometimes I take the big birds into new. Delhi.
Tak sobie latam, czasem zabieram grube ryby do Nowego...
Approximately 5,000 miles from Delhi is the little town ofGateshead.
Około 5 tys. mil od Delhi jest małe miasteczkoGateshead.
He was in the Drums when we were in Delhi.
Był w Bębnach, gdy byliśmy w Delhi.
I need you to deliver package to Delhi.
Chcę, żebyś dostarczył paczkę do Delhi.
And he gave a contract to Altaf in Delhi to kill both of them.
I on dał kontrakt Altaf w Delhi by zabić oba z nich.