(capable of making an error
"all men are error-prone")
synonim: error-prone
adj. błądzący
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
11.40am: I'm just back from the Downing Street lobby briefing. David Cameron is due to talk to Barack Obama tomorrow about BP and other matters, but the prime minister's spokeswoman would not tell us what he would be saying, beyond referring us to the comments he and George Osborne made yesterday (see 10.41am). Otherwise, we learned that the Queen visited the Cabinet Office this morning to thank civil servants for their work on the transition from the last government to the new one and that the England flag will go up over Downing Street at 7am tomorrow.
Any concession on providing budget details to Brussels ahead of submission at Westminster could spell trouble for David Cameron since eurosceptics would contend that this was tantamount to transferring powers from Britain to the EU, something that Cameron has promised not to do.
It doesn't advertise, preferring to drum up sales from free mentions in the fashion press and customer referrals. No staff are allowed to speak on behalf of the business.
The starkness and magnitude of Finkel's material demand an unerring control of tone. Even at its most matter of fact, his prose finds a hypnotic calm in the repetition of exposure to extreme danger: "Eyes sweeping, jammers jamming, the convoy moved along route Pluto . . ." At times there is an eerie, damaged lyricism: "Hours later, as the sun set, the sky took on its nightly ominous feel. The moon, not quite full, rose dented and misshapen, and the aerostat, a grey shadow now rather than the bright white balloon it had been in daylight, loomed over a landscape of empty streets and buildings surrounded by sandbags and tall concrete blast walls." One of these details acquires hideous poignancy later when a soldier is shot in the head; he survives but his head assumes the "dented and misshapen" aspect of the moon.
The daily Le Soir said "Flanders has chosen a new king," referring to Bart de Wever, 39, the leader of the New Flemish Alliance, who urged "Francophones to make [a country] that works".
One of Lansley's first acts as health secretary was to visit Chase Farm hospital in Enfield and announce "I am calling a halt" to all the planned closures and in the country. "Here at Chase Farm we will not have a top-down bureaucratic process." Instead, he said, "we will talk to the local authority and representatives of the public and GPs locally". Chase Farm's planned downgrading of its A&E department and transferring of maternity beds has been a long-run local battleground: it helped the local Labour MP lose her seat, it got some "save our hospital" councillors elected (who lost again), and it stirred up the local press, ever eager for a good "save our" whatever campaign. Boris Johnson and David Cameron had a photo-op campaigning with protesters outside the hospital.
"We have been discriminated against for 20 years," the doctor said, referring to the ethnic riots that took place near Osh in 1990, just after the breakup of the Soviet Union. Recently, he said, Kyrgyz chauvinism had grown, fuelled by the weakness of the government, and by a fear that the Uzbek minority was becoming too strong and was prone to secessionist-minded leaders.
The court previously heard that a senior Qatari Diar executive had deleted emails referring to the prince and his private secretary, Sir Michael Peat, from the company's Doha server. Following a court order, copies were found on a London-based server.
The order creating Spain's Jewish archive treated Judaism as a racial identity, rather than a religious one, referring to "this notorious race" and casting its net wide in a way not seen since the Inquisition sought out false converts to Roman Catholicism.
Manal Hassan plucks a date biscuit from an industrial tray, breaks it in half to inspect the filling, and discards it with a shrug of despair. "You see, they allow in dates, but not date paste," she says, referring to Israel's economic blockade of the Gaza Strip.
I'm just erring on the side of caution.
Ja tylko proszę o ostrożność.
Lord, for the erring thought Not into evil wrought:
Panie... za błądzące myśli, by nie stały się pożywieniem złego.