(Noun) lingwistyka język francuski;
the french - Francuzi;
(Adjective) francuski;
take french leave - wyjść po angielsku, zrobić sobie wolne (w pracy) bez pytania o pozwolenie;
french southern and antarctic lands - (Noun) geografia Francuskie Terytoria Południowe i Antarktyczne;
french polynesia - (Noun) geografia Polinezja Francuska;
french guiana - (Noun) geografia Gujana Francuska;
(Verb) pokrajać w paski;
french sb - obciągnąć komuś laskę;
french sb - obciągnąć komuś laskę;
1. (language) język francuski.
2. (people) : the ~ Francuzi.adj francuski
~ bean fasola zwykła
~ horn rożek francuski
~ loaf bagietka
~ polish politura
~ window drzwi balkonowe.~ cpds ~man n Francuz
~woman n Francuzka
take ~ leave zrobić sobie wolne (bez pytania o pozwolenie)
adj francuski
s język francuski
adj., geogr. francuski
adj.,geogr. francuski
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
For my part, I would be delighted if we were to focus on the French elections.
Jeżeli o mnie chodzi, wolałbym, żebyśmy skupili naszą na wyborach we Francji.
I was explaining to French listeners what took place yesterday in Luxembourg.
Wyjaśniłem francuskojęzycznym kolegom, co się działo wczoraj w Luksemburgu.
We must reserve jobs for French people in France and for Europeans in Europe.
Musimy zachować miejsca pracy dla Francuzów we Francji i dla Europejczyków w Europie.
The French President then naturally asks whether they have a screw loose.
Oczywiście prezydent Francji pyta później, czy oni mają po kolei w głowie.
I therefore wish the French Presidency, and therefore the European Presidency, success.
Dlatego życzę prezydencji Francji, a tym samym prezydencji Europy, powodzenia.
Outside, the heat was stultifying, but I felt light, my flu miraculously subdued to a tickle in the throat. I thought about a journalist I'd known in Iraq whose wife wanted him home for the birth of their fifth child, but who stayed anyway for the invasion. And the French photographer with two kids who was shot in three different war zones, the last time nearly paralysing his arm. I couldn't think of one who'd stopped because of a pregnancy or his family. Especially if there wasn't a penny in the bank and a baby was on the way. I walked out, went home, and booked my ticket."The French fishing vessel that was diverted to her location will be there in a little over 24 hours. Where they will take her or how long it will take we don't know," they said."We were helping her troubleshoot her engine that she was trying to start to charge her systems. Satellite phone reception was patchy. She was able to get the water out of the engine and start up. We were waiting to hear back from her when American search and rescue authorities called to report having received a signal from her emergency beacon," they said. "We are working closely with American, French and Australian search and rescue authorities to coordinate several ships in the area to divert to her location."9.35am: Meanwhile Neil Brennan has also been enjoying the mood in Cape Town. Been here for a week, and it's amazing how much it's come alive in the past few days," he emails. "Thanks mostly to the Uruguayans. French keeping a low profile. As they should be. LOTS OF AMERICANS. Which is great."Israel has rejected a French idea that EU forces would check the cargoes of ships heading for Gaza to ensure they are not carrying goods Israel would consider a security risk. Bernard Kouchner, France's foreign minister, called the response from Jerusalem "rather negative". Spain, chairing the EU's rotating presidency, will be expected to work with Lady Ashton, the union's foreign policy chief, diplomats said. Another idea is the revival of the EU Border Assistance Mission at the Rafah crossing point into Egypt. Its operations were suspended in 2007 after the takeover of Gaza by the Islamist movement Hamas, shunned by Israel and the west.His father's friends arranged for the young Egon to take a position managing a restaurant in Piccadilly. He quickly found his feet and soon took on his own 39-seat restaurant near Harrods called the Marquee, putting elegant French dishes on the menu and causing a stir in austere postwar London. Ronay was given British citizenship in 1951. He also has an adopted son, Gerard, with his second wife.Based on the French Michelin guides, Ronay made a point of ensuring their impartiality so that people could no longer get away with "murdering food"; he is fiercely proud of the fact that every meal was eaten anonymously and that he never accepted as much as a glass of brandy without paying.Sixteen-year-old American Abby Sunderland was picked up from her stricken vessel by a dinghy launched from the French fishing boat Ile de la Reunion.The rescue itself was not without incident as rough seas saw the captain of the French boat fall into the water. "He was fished out in difficult conditions," said a statement from the French territory of Reunion Island.Flicking through Liya Kebede's pile of fashion magazine covers passes a calm and perfumed afternoon. In 2002, French Vogue declared May was "All About Liya" month, dedicating a whole issue to the African supermodel after the editor saw her in Tom Ford's Gucci catwalk show. Describing the day they first met, Ford recalls: "She looked me in the eyes, and I was quite literally stunned. Liya projects an aura of goodness and calm that outshines even her extraordinary physical beauty. Later in the day," Ford continues, "when trying to remember what she looked like, I could only remember her eyes."
I had only my mind as the new French king.
Dzieliłam się tylko moimi uwagami na temat nowego króla Francji.
So tell me, you are reading to each other in French?
Wiec, powiedz mi.. czytacie sobie na glos po francusku?
I want to be sure the French can see her.
Chce być pewien, że Francuzi ją dojrzą!
Why are the French always so good at these things?
Dlaczego u Francuzów jest zawsze tak samo?
The French always say one second, when they mean 5 minutes.
Francuzi zawsze mówią sekunda, kiedy mają na myśli 5 minut.
His father and brother was killed by French long ago.
Ojca i brata dawno temu zabili mu Francuzi.
Do i pay you sit around talking french all day?
Płacę ci za siedzenie i gadanie po francusku przez cały dzień?
This French show comes in and we get to go together.
Ten francuski pokaz przybędzie i dlatego musimy pojechać razem.
I wouldn't show this to your mother, because she don't understand French too good.
Nie pokazywałbym tego mamie. Ona nie zna się za dobrze na francuskim.
She knows things about the French army that could be of help to us.
Wie o francuskiej armii rzeczy które mógłby nam pomóc.
But your French must be good if you can follow all that.
Twój francuski musi być dobry, jeśli byłaś w stanie to śledzić.
I am not too happy about this French dinner either.
Ja także niezbyt się cieszę z tego francuskiego obiadu.
I thought the war would give us the rights of our French brothers.
Myślałem, że wojna da nam prawa naszych francuskich braci.
Teach him he does not make free with the French girls.
Naucz go, że ma sobie nie pozwalać z francuskimi dziewczynami.
It was built long ago by a French military officer.
Zosta³ wybudowany dawno temu przez francuskiego oficera wojskowego.
The French should not be cut alive in this world.
Francuski nie powinny być cięte żyje na tym świecie.
You have your work cut out with maths and French.
Twoje prace są wycięte z matematyki i francuskiego.
He doesn't speak French very well yet but that's only normal.
Jeszcze nie mówi dobrze po francusku, ale to normalne.
You speak french or not? 'Cause that would be nice.
Znasz francuski czy nie, bo to by się nam przydało.
The French agency could serve as a model in this respect.
Agencja francuska mogłaby posłużyć jako model w tym zakresie.
This is something to be learned from the French presidency.
Dobry przykład w tym zakresie dała prezydencja francuska.
I meant to tell you, your French has improved a lot.
Dawno chciałam ci to powiedzieć: twój francuski bardzo się polepszył.
The French police think that better you are locked up.
Francuska policja twierdzi, że jest lepszy od LaMarque.
And have you set up the interviews for the new french coach?
I zapytać, czy załatwiłeś spotkanie z nowym nauczycielem francuskiego?
I figure you must be French because of your accent.
Musisz być chyba Francuzem, bo ten twój akcent...
When it's in our air space, it becomes a French issue.
W momencie kiedy przekroczą naszą przestrzeń powietrzną, porywacze staną się problemem Francuzów.
I will answer the very concrete questions which have been asked in addition to the French case.
Odpowiem na postawione bardzo konkretne pytania oprócz dotyczących kwestii francuskiej.
There is no French exception from this point of view.
Z tego punktu widzenia, nie ma tu żadnego wyjątku dla Francji.
That will go down well with French blue collar workers.
Robotnik francuski to doceni...
We French always pay respect to the dead of our allies.
My Francuzi, zawsze mamy szacunek dla martwych sojuszników.
Cause this menu is all in French and we don't understand it.
Bo jadłospis jest cały po francusku i go nie rozumiemy.
I just hope it's good publicity for the French show.
Mam nadzieję, że to będzie dobra reklama dla Francuskiego show.
You're the only person on this island who speaks French.
Na tej wyspie tylko ty znasz francuski.
It took us a couple of days to contact the French authorities.
Skontaktowanie się z Francją zajęło nam kilka dni.
Don't do any job related to taking off the clothes, what's that in French?
Nie rób żadnej roboty polegającej na zdejmowaniu ciuchów, jak to jest po francusku?
We need to have a more French attitude to parking.
Musimy mieć bardziej francuskie podejście do parkowania.
French chick said the Others were coming for the kid.
Ta Francuzka mówiła, że inni idą po dzieciaka.
Let me add that a little piece of history has been written during the French presidency.
Dodam, że podczas prezydencji francuskiej zapisano mały kawałek historii.
Sometimes it's hard for me to understand him with that French accent.
Czasem ciężko mi go zrozumieć przez ten francuski akcent.
While we're at your fort, what if the French attack our homes?
Kiedy będziemy w forcie, co się stanie, jeśli Francuzi zaatakują nasze domy?
I mean, it never bothered any of you that my father's French.
To znaczy, nigdy nikomu nie przeszkadzało, że mój ojciec był Francuzem.
You don't want us in your taxi because we're not speaking French?
Nie chcę pan nas wieźć, bo mówimy innym językiem?
The average age of French fishing vessels is 25 years.
Francuskie okręty rybackie mają średnio 25 lat.
But three of us would meet behind a dumpster to learn French.
Ale możemy w trójkę spotykać się za śmietnikiem i uczyć francuskiego.
French wine has a fine reputation, I'm sure you know.
Francuskie wina mają znakomitą renomę, jestem pewna że o tym wiesz.
I only took command because you lost your nerve, French boy!
Ja tylko przejąłem dowodzenie ponieważ straciłeś nerwy, francuziku!
With license, you give classes of French to the 8º-3rd?
Przepraszam. Ty masz klasę 43 na francuskim?
I knew a pig once, could count to 10 in French.
Znałam jedną świnkę, która liczyła do 10 po francusku.
What are you going to do when the French soldiers rape your sister?
A co zrobisz gdy francuscy żołnierze zgwałcą ci siostrę?