(Noun) technika rylec;
rylec m
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
At the heart of the dispute is anxiety about what is happening under the seabed. The government fears oil may be leaking below the surface, and that if left unchecked this process could cause graver problems, including the collapse of the well.
The government fears oil may be leaking below the surface, and that if left unchecked this process could cause graver problems, including the collapse of the well.
When invasion was promoted by Washington, the available alternative â?? to squeeze Saddam financially by stopping oil exports or seizing the regime's assets, which I and some colleagues had repeatedlyadvocated, was ignored. Here the documents tell a different but equally clear and appalling story: there is not a single mention of any formal discussion, by ministers or officials, of alternatives to military action. It is hard to pinpoint a graver indictment of the government's failure.
At the same time, French intelligence raised the alarm about attacks allegedly being planned in Europe by AQIM, or al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, which is now believed in EU capitals to be a graver threat than Osama bin Laden.
But I'd say that you face a graver problem than a compromise to your republican principles, Sian, and that is the copycats. Already various supermarket brands are knocking out copies of Issa dresses and I bet by the end of the week you'll find your entire wardrobe on sale in your local Tesco for about Â?17.
I'm the one who's rotting, but I think your face looks graver than mine.
To ja gniję. Ale sądzę, że twoja twarz wygląda śmiertelniej od mojej.
Graver Soon you are all in the garbage.
Z pewnością wkrótce wszyscy będziecie w dupie.
We know that failure to act means that the consequences will be much graver than the costs of preventative measures.
Zdajemy również sobie sprawę z tego, że nasza bierność będzie oznaczać poważniejsze konsekwencje niż koszt zastosowania środków zapobiegawczych.
Have you heard anything yet, Mr. Graver?
Czy już coś wiadomo, panie Graver?
First, a graver matter lies before us...
Przed nami, bowiem, o wiele poważniejsza sprawa.
in writing. - Mr President, the report of Roberta Angelilli is very much focused on pornography on the internet that is accessible for children, yet there is another matter of even graver concern.
na piśmie. - Panie przewodniczący! W swoim sprawozdaniu, pani poseł Roberta Angelilli skupia się przede wszystkim na pornografii w Internecie, która jest dostępna dla dzieci, ale istnieje przecież jeszcze jedna kwestia wywołująca jeszcze poważniejsze obawy.