(Noun) Hebrajczyk/Hebrajka, Żyd/Żydówka; lingwistyka język hebrajski, hebrajszczyzna;
1. (person) Hebrajczyk.
2. (language) hebrajski.adj hebrajski
Żyd, Izraelita
adj hebrajski
s Izraelita
język hebrajski
etn. Hebrajczyk
adj. hebrajski
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
* Directionality controls are only available in the Arabic and Hebrew interfaces.
*Przełączniki kierunku są dostępne wyłącznie w interfejsach arabskim i hebrajskim.
Because in Judaism, the number 18, in Hebrew letters, stands for life -- the word "life."
W judaizmie słowo, którego wartość hebrajskich liter wynosi 18, oznacza "życie".
And the Book of Chronicles, the Book of Ezra in the Hebrew scriptures reported in ringing terms.
Księga Kronik i Księga Ezdrasza w Biblii hebrajskiej wspominają o tym donośnym głosem.
Because the cylinder account and the Hebrew Bible account differ in one key respect.
Relacja zapisana na cylindrze i relacja z Biblii hebrajskiej różnią się w jednej kluczowej sprawie.
Then said the princes of the Philistines, What [do] these Hebrews [here]?
I rzekły książęta Filistyńskie: Cóż tu czynią ci Hebrejczycy?
A political scientist from Jerusalem's Hebrew University told me that the secular-religious divide was the new "culture war". The ultra-orthodox were seen as "parasites", he said, for their refusal to do paid work, devoting themselves to biblical study. These people have six, seven, eight children, another Israeli analyst told me. They have changed the atmosphere in Jerusalem, he went on; people are afraid they are taking over. I was taken aback at the enmity with which both men spoke.
The book has been translated in 13 languages, from Finnish to Turkish â?? but most importantly copies will soon be available in Hebrew or Arabic. A book tour in the US is scheduled for January; proceeds from sales and appearances will go to Daughters for Life, the charitable foundation Abuelaish set up.
Desperate for medical assistance, he called his friend Shlomi Eldar, a presenter on Channel 10 in Israel. His cries for help in a mixture of Hebrew and Arabic were broadcast live. Within an hour, with the help of his Israeli friends, Abuelaish's injured daughter and niece were evacuated from Gaza.
It was a single word scrawled on a wall at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem that unlocked something deep inside Inbar Michelzon, two years after she had completed compulsory military service in the Israeli Defence Force.
In 1967, when Israel won the Six Day war, Grossman was 13. He remembers it vividly and believes that the memory helps him to understand some of the resistance on the part of Israel to ending the occupation. "If you want to understand, you have to go there; you can't deny it. The month before the war, I thought I was not going to live. I took the Arabs very seriously, just as I take them now. I heard a voice on their Hebrew propaganda station promising to come and kill us and to rape our mothers and to throw us into the sea. Then, the first night of the war, when Israel demolished their airforce, and it was clear we were going to win, there was this switch. To feel this miracle! To know we were strong and that after only six days we had become an empire.
"Yes. I knew it from a very young age. The first time I met my wife, this is what I told her. It was something physical, a piece of a jigsaw falling into place." Since then, his work has been translated from the Hebrew in which he always writes into 30 languages and he has won numerous prizes. He is unstoppable. Since delivering To the End of the Land, he has written a children's book, an opera for children and a handful of poems. "I feel poetry is more the language of grief than prose."
Had my son stayed in the Hasidic community he would have been attending Hebrew school every day from nine to five, and he would very likely have grown up into one of those young men thrown into the real world without even a high school diploma to help them succeed. Such deprivation in this age of opportunity is unthinkable to me. My son might grow up to be an astronaut or a vet. It's his choice. If he'd like to be a Talmud scholar, that's fine, too. But he'll have the opportunity to go to college if he likes, and we read books about hungry caterpillars without feeling a shred of guilt.
My brother got a Hebrew name, so she had to have one.
Mój brat dostał imię hebrajskie, więc musiała mieć jeden.
Kids get beat up on the way to Hebrew school, not in it.
Dzieciaki powinny dostawać po drodze do hebrajskiej szkoły, nie w niej.
Respect to our Hebrew friends, and whatever else we have here.
Z szacunkiem dla naszych żydowskich przyjaciół... i kogokolwiek to jeszcze mamy...
His Hebrew mother brought it to the prison before she died.
Jego hebrajska matka przyniosła ją do więzienia przed śmiercią.
He learns Hebrew quickly and is very interested in school.
On sie szybko uczy Hebrew i okazuje zainteresowanie szkola.
Speak only to the rabbis and start off in Hebrew.
Rozmawiaj tylko z rabinami. I tylko po hebrajsku.
Why a Hebrew, or any man, must be a slave.
Dlaczego Hebrajczyk, czy ktokolwiek inny, musi być niewolnikiem.
I commend you to your Hebrew god who has no name.
Oddaję cię w ręce twego hebrajskiego boga bez imienia.
That afternoon at Hebrew school, a scheme occurred to me.
Tego popołudnia w szkole hebrajskiej zaczęła się cała ta heca.
Why do you think you went to Hebrew school three times a week?
Myślisz, że czemu chodziłeś na hebrajski trzy razy w tygodniu?
However, the real meaning lies in the fact that biblical Hebrew has two words for man, not one.
Jednakże prawdziwe znaczenie zasadza się w tym, że w Biblii hebrajskiej są dwa słowa określające człowieka, a nie jedno.
So I take it you're not going to Hebrew class by choice.
Myślę, że nie chodzisz na Hebrajski z wyboru.
And how is it that you can speak Hebrew?
Jak to jest że zna Pan hebrajski ?
Well, the right hand text is Hebrew, so I can.
Tekst po prawej stronie jest hebrajski, więc potrafię.
And don't say it's cos of the free Hebrew lesson.
Nie mów że dlatego, bo daję ci darmowe lekcje hebrajskiego..
I liked where the Hebrew bully locked you in the bathroom.
Podobało mi się, jak łobuz z hebrajskiej szkoły zamknął cię w damskiej toalecie.
I touched a guy's balls at Hebrew school once.
Raz dotknąłem jaja faceta w hebrajskiej szkole.
Weren't you just speaking in Hebrew or something?
Czy nie mówiłaś przed chwilą po hebrajsku albo coś w tym rodzaju?
How is that you speak hebrew so well?
Jak to, że tak dobrze mówisz po hebrajsku?
She's been on my nerves since Hebrew school.
Grała mi na nerwach na lekcji hebrajskiego.
What does the word Moses mean in the original archaic Hebrew?
Co słowo Mojżesz oznacza w oryginalnym, archaicznym hebrajskim?
Which is Hebrew for what's going on?
Maniszma, czyli po hebrajsku: ,, Co słychać?.
It is the cloth of a Hebrew slave.
To tkanina hebrajskich niewolników.
In the Bible is a Hebrew word I've never seen anywhere else.
W Biblii, jest słowo Hebrajskie... ...którego nigdy nie widziałem nigdzie indziej.
It's when we went to the hebrew feta sect.
To wtedy gdy poszłyśmy do Hebrajskiej Sekty Feta.
Do you know what Moses called God in the original Hebrew?
Wiecie jak Mojżesz nazywał Boga po Hebrajsku?
And then he started the Jewish prayer in Hebrew.
Wtedy zaczął odmawiać żydowską modlitwę po hebrajsku.
At stake are its military, diplomatic and media interests - those interests that the Hebrew state was able to establish in the past.
Stawką są jego interesy wojskowe, dyplomatyczne i medialne, które to interesy państwo żydowskie zdołało ustanowić w przeszłości.
She turned toward him and said in Hebrew.:
A ona obróciwszy się powiedziała do Niego po hebrajsku:
So gozer in Hebrew means a surgeon who performs circumcision.
Więc gozer po hebrajsku oznacza chirurga, który dokonuje obrzezań.
Well, Danny goes to Hebrew school, Sarah doesn't have time.
Danny chodzi do hebrajskiej szkoły, Sarah nie ma czasu.
It sounds middle eastern in origin, maybe Aramaic or an old form of Hebrew.
To brzmi tak jakoś na środkowy-wschód, może aramejski, albo stara forma hebrajskiego?
He is the son of Hebrew slaves.
Jest synem hebrajskich niewolników.
Let no Hebrew sit upon our throne.
Nie pozwól, aby Hebrajczyk zasiadł na naszym tronie.
In Hebrew, the word for angel is malach.
W języku hebrajskim słowem oznaczającym anioła jest malach.
I notice that in many of your prayers, they're both in Hebrew and English.
Zauważyłem, że wiele z modlitw, jest zarówno po żydowsku jak i po angielsku.
We went to Hebrew school, too.
Chodziliśmy też do szkoły Hebrew.
You said he didn't speak Hebrew!
Mówiliście, że on nie mówi po hebrajsku!
I mean, look-- they have books in Hebrew.
To znaczy, proszę spojrzeć... Mają książki po hebrajsku.
Take the Hebrew word for father, ab.
Weź na przykład hebrajskie słowo oznaczające ojca.
Moses was a Hebrew, but Jesus was a gentile, like you and me.
Mojżesz był Hebrajczykiem, a Jezus poganinem, jak ty i ja.
Can you say that in Hebrew?
Możecie powiedzieć to po hebrajsku?
You can teach them hebrew. And I'll teach them something else really important.
Możesz ich uczyć hebrajskiego, a ja nauczę ich czegoś bardzo ważnego.
He gave us all Hebrew names.
Nadawał nam wszystkim hebrajskie imiona.
Right, does anyone here speak Hebrew?
No tak, ktokolwiek tu mówi po hebrajsku?
And as you so well You speak on Hebrew
Jak to, że tak dobrze mówisz po hebrajsku?
Speak to me in Hebrew or German.
Mów do mnie po Hebrajsku albo Niemiecku.
He's helping her with Hebrew school.
Pomaga jej w lekcji hebrajskiego.
If he had it, why didn't he brew it? - Hebrew?
Skoro to miał to dlaczego go nie warzył?
And take back one kadam to honour the Hebrew God whose Ark this is.
Ale odejmij jeden kadam na cześć Boga, do którego należy Arka.