geogr. Hebron
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Her experience is echoed by that of Dana Golan, who served in the West Bank city of Hebron in 2001-02 as one of about 25 women among 300 male soldiers. Like Michelzon, Golan only spoke out after finishing her service. "If I had raised my anxieties, it would have been seen as a weakness," she said.
The shooting of the settlers near the volatile West Bank city of Hebron drew condemnation from all parties involved in negotiations that are due to begin in Washington today. The response of settlement leaders could further strain an already contentious issue which is threatening to overshadow this week's talks.
Iran supports Hamas, the Islamist Palestinian movement that controls the Gaza Strip and opposes talks by Mahmoud Abbas, the western-backed PLO leader who is based in the West Bank. Its armed wing claimed responsibility for killing four Israeli settlers near Hebron on Tuesday. Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other groups have vowed to carry out more attacks.
We found widespread despondency and hopelessness amongst the people we met and in the areas we visited in Hebron, East Jerusalem and Ramallah.
Stwierdziliśmy powszechne przygnębienie i brak nadziei wśród ludności napotkanej w Hebronie, Wschodniej Jerozolimie i Ramallah.
They were days filled with emotion and suffering, etched on the faces of the children gripping the window bars of their homes on the Hebron road, the deserted road that no Palestinian is allowed to cross.
To były dni pełne wzruszeń i cierpienia wyrytego na twarzach dzieci chwytających okienne kraty swoich domów przy drodze na Hebron, pustynnej drodze, której żaden Palestyńczyk nie ma prawa przekroczyć.