(Noun) przyroda jonatan;
im. Jonatan
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
"It's a cloth of duality," says Dr Jonathan Faiers, senior lecturer in cultural studies at Central St Martins and author of Tartan: Textiles that Changed the World. "Its history is in the establishment â?? in clansmanship, the aristocracy and military forces, but because it's become the uniform of rugged masculinity it's also revisited in an ironic way â?? by subcultures such as grunge, punk and gay clones."
The scene: Sub Pop, founded by Bruce Pavitt and Jonathan Poneman in 1986, was modelled on earlier, regional independents such as Motown. Producer Jack Endino used quick and cheap recording techniques, giving key early acts (Mudhoney, Soundgarden) their distinctive sound, while Charles Peterson's photographs documented the first gigs and gave the scene a defined aesthetic.
10.56am: Jonathan Loynes, chief UK economist at research consultancy Capital Economics, has said the OBR is taking a "surprisingly optimistic" view of the public finances.
"Overall, inflation worries are not about to disappear overnight. But there is some reassurance here that the MPC will be able to avoid the nightmare scenario of having to raise interest rates alongside the huge fiscal squeeze," said Jonathan Loynes at Capital Economics.
Jonathan Stephens, the permanent secretary at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport since 2006, enjoyed the most diverse social life courtesy of his job. His efforts to maintain contacts with his department's stakeholders took him to concerts, the theatre, balls, the Proms, Wimbledon and Chelsea football club.
Neither Jonathan Dee's The Privileges nor Adam Haslett's Union Atlantic can really be described as works of "credit crunch lit", since both were begun well before the crisis and neither deals with it directly. But they feel very much like novels of the moment. Both earned lavish praise when they appeared in the US: Jonathan Franzen called The Privileges "cunning, seductive" and he pops up on the cover of Union Atlantic, describing it as "the rare novel that is both urgently of its time and fully true to itself". These encomiums are not excessive: The Privileges and Union Atlantic are both beautifully written and artfully plotted.
While avoiding the worst kind of "evil banker" cliches, Union Atlantic leaves its readers in no doubt Doug is a warped character whose career is largely a compensation for his emotional inadequacies. Jonathan Dee puts a similar Alpha-male type at the centre of his novel, but treats him very differently. The Privileges tracks the lives over two decades of Adam and Cynthia Morey, an enviably good-looking couple who marry in their early 20s, settle in Manhattan, have two children and build, thanks to Adam's skills both at conventional banking and insider trading, a staggering fortune. By the end of the novel the family has its own charitable foundation and flies about in a private jet. When Cynthia arrives at a hospice in Florida to visit her dying father, her first instinct is to "just buy the place".
11.05am: Peter Walker, energy secretary during the miners' strike and one of the leading "wets" in the Thatcher government, has died. Jonathan Isaby has got more details at ConservativeHome.
And Jonathan Freedland says it will hit the poorest hardest.
Executives understood to be looking at running Jonathan Ross show on Friday nights or on Saturdays after The X Factor
Jonathan, I want you to go back over to that tree.
Jonathan, chcę, żebyś poszedł z powrotem pod to drzewo.
No one else knows what this stuff means except you,Jonathan.
Nikt inny nie wie, co to oznacza, oprócz ciebie, Jonathan.
Jonathan and I have a huge surprise for you, ok?
Johnatan i ja mamy dla ciebie wielką niespodziankę, w porządku?
Why would Jonathan have the same mark as the monster?
Dlaczego Jonathan ma takie samo znamię jak potwór?
It's not a game a man is supposed to grow strong in, Jonathan.
Gra to nie to, w czym człowiek powinien być mocny, Jonathan.
Jonathan does not want me to stay with Lucy while he is away.
Jonathan nie chce, żebym mieszkala u Lucy w czasie jego nieobecności.
You probably even think you're buying escape time for Jonathan and the other one.
Pewnie myślisz też, że dajesz Jonathanowi i temu drugiemu czas na ucieczkę.
Jonathan, I don't think you want to go there, dear.
Jonathan, nie sądzę żebyś chciał tam jechać, kochanie.
While we hear a special announcement for my dear friend Jonathan.
Kiedy słyszymy specjalny komunikat dla mojego kochanego przyjaciela Jonatana. Drakula?
Jonathan, does your father have more than one wife?
Twój ojciec ma więcej, niż jedną żonę?
Jonathan has been a good friend to me here in México.
Jonathan był dla mnie dobrym przyjacielem w Meksyku.
I want you to meet my friend. His name is Jonathan.
Chciałbym, żeby poznała pani mojego przyjaciela, nazywa się Jonathan.
That summer, Jonathan had just learned how to climb the stairs.
Tamtego lata nauczył się chodzić po schodach.
Our hero, Jonathan, goes out in search of black gloves.
Jej bohater, Jonatan, wybiera się na poszukiwanie czarnych rękawiczek.
If you won't talk to him, then Jonathan will!
Jeśli pan z nim nie porozmawia, to zrobi to Jonathan!
Jonathan, you do not have to explain to me.
Jonathan, nie musisz się mi tłumaczyć.
Dinner is over by 8, and I'm meeting Jonathan at 9.
Kolacja skończy się przed 8, a z Jonathanem spotykam się o 9.
Please tell me that Jonathan hasn't infected the premises, has he?
Proszę, powiedz mi, że Jonathan nie nawiedził lokalu?
If Jonathan asks, I was with you all night ok?
Jakby Jonathan pytał, to byłam z tobą całą noc, dobrze?
Our jonathan, who art in the office, Hallowed be my reservation.
Jonathanie nasz, któryś jest w biurze, świętej mojej rezerwacji dopilnuj.
We know we don't want anything extraordinary to happen to Jonathan.
Wiemy, że nie chcemy, aby coś niezwykłego przytrafiło się Jonathanowi.
And he was there making sure that Jonathan paid For trying to hurt you.
I chciał się upewnić, że Jonathan zapłaci, za to, że próbował cię skrzywdzić.
Jonathan and I both have really screwed up families.
Jonathan i ja, oboje mamy bardzo pokręcone rodziny.
Jonathan moves up the track and up onto the side.
Jonathan jedzie w górę boiska i w bok.
Jonathan, I'd assume that that would be used for your defense.
Jonathanie, zakładałem, że użyjemy tego do twojej obrony.
Jonathan, you get why everyone is angry, though, right?
Jonathan, ale wiesz dlaczego wszyscy są źli, prawda?
Jonathan, you're meant to catch the sun with that.
Jonathan, masz tym złapać słońce.
It's hard finding anything out, Jonathan, you know that.
Ciężko dowiedzieć się czegokolwiek, Jonathan, sam to wiesz.
Jonathan couldn't tell you about because the injections slowed the aging process.
Johnathan nie opowiadał ci o bo te zastrzyki powstrzymały nasze starzenie się.
It doesn't matter whose body it is, isn't that right, Jonathan?
To nie ma znaczenia kogo to ciało, prawda?
Jonathan Kent, you have no place in this conversation.
Jonathanie Kencie, Nie ma dla ciebie miejsca w tej rozmowie!
Sir Jonathan, thank you for your great message.
Sir Jonathanie, bardzo dziękuję za znakomite przesłanie.
He was so much like Jonathan - so intelligent and gentle.
Był taki podobny do Jonathana - taki inteligentny i łagodny.
They want to speak to me about Jonathan.
Chcą ze mną rozmawiać o Jonathanie.
Do you carry any pictures of your grandchildren, Jonathan?
Czy ma pan przy sobie jakieś zdjęcia swych wnuczek?
Jonathan Masbath was not the fourth victim, but the fifth.
Jonathan Masboth nie był czwartą ofiarą, lecz piątą.
The last place on earth you'd find Jonathan Cold.
Ostatnie miejsce na ziemi, gdzie można znaleźć Jonathana Colda.
Serena's at breakfast, and eric's out with jonathan. We can talk.
Serena poszła na śniadanie, a Eric wyszedł z Jonathanem, więc możemy rozmawiać.
Maybe I'm too used to having Jonathan by my side
Może zbyt przyzwyczaiłem się do Jonathana zawsze stojącego po mojej stronie
What did you think I would do without you, Jonathan?
Myślałeś, że sobie bez ciebie poradzę, Jonathan?
I was there when Jonathan killed my husband.
Byłam tam, gdy Jonathan zabił męża.
I want to know if you're working on anything to do with Jonathan Mardukas?
Chcę wiedzieć, czy pracujesz nad czymś, co ma związek z Mardukasem?
Jonathan, if you do this for me, I'il be saved.
Jonathan, jeśli zrobisz to dla mnie, będę ocalony.
Is it possible that Jonathan didn't do anything?
Możliwe jest, że ten Jonathan nic nie zrobił?
Just in the other room, Jonathan, all right?
Po prostu w innym pokoju, Jonathan, w porządku?
I guess Jonathan hurt you most of all.
Sądzę, że Jonathan skrzywdził cię najbardziej ze wszystkich.
Shut up and get me off here, Jonathan!
Zamknij się i wyciągnij mnie stąd, Jonathan!
You must know that Jonathan was going to marry my sister Lucy.
Zapewne wie pan, że Jonathan miał poślubić moją siostrę, Lucy.
Jonathan says a defect of the rich is that they say what they please.
Jonathan powiada, że wadą bogatych jest to, że mówią co chcą.
You mean, like the one Jonathan was driving?
Masz na myśli, takie jakim Jonathan jechał?