patrzałki, ślepia, gały (oczy)
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Nobody could come to Barcelona and fail to enjoy the experience of sitting at one of the cafes or outside restaurants which surround Pla?§a Reial. It is surrounded by tall palm trees, and peppered with wrought iron lamps designed by a youthful Gaud?. A fountain in the middle has a statue of the Three Graces, and all of Barcelona at one stage or another passes through this sublime 19th-century square. There are the inevitable street entertainers, refugees from Las Ramblas, which is a minute's walk away, and it is crammed with tourists but as in Venice, its faded elegance survives all this. Within a short walk you can be strolling along the beach of the Barceloneta, stalking El Raval's bars or visiting the eccentricities of the Pipa Club in the corner of the square, where everyone smokes a pipe and drinks late into the night. Life at its most amusing.
Most of the drawings were signed by Mould. They display his love of vibrant colours as a student of the designer and polychrome theorist Owen Jones with whom he designed a room in Buckingham Palace. They include plans for structures that were built, such as Bethesda Fountain, as well as ones that were not â?? a set of street lamps for Park Avenue, for instance.
At first, Berge seems to have an air of being "not quite finished". But don't be fooled: quality, attention to detail and skilled craftsmanship pervade throughout. Moormann has invested â??2.7m in the project, made possible only by what he calls "a perfect run for the company over the past four years": the steady expansion in sales of his furniture, examples of which are scattered throughout the lodge, from his angular Bookinist chair to his array of lamps and pared-down tables.
Video shot by the miners and released by the government showed scenes of bedlam below when the drill broke through, sending a shower of water and rock down into the chamber. "Viva Chile!" the miners cried, hugging each other and posing for the camera with broad smiles and headlamps beaming.
If it is possible to tell the story of a country through its furniture, then an exhibition at the Mus?©e des Arts D?©coratifs in Paris does just that. By charting the different designs that kitted out homes across France throughout this period of sudden and profound change, the exhibition shows how the finest table legs and most exquisite lamps are shaped not only by their craftsmen, but also by the cultural and economic influences of the time. And if the change is so radical that it seems to be a tale of two countries, that is perhaps not surprising. Try to picture Charles de Gaulle reclining in a bubble chair â?? it's no easy task.
11.30pm Put daylight lamps on in the room and open a couple of windows
Live in a nice house with wide windows and lamps.
Mieć ładny dom z dużymi oknami i lampami.
Put out the lamps - we don't need them anymore.
Gaście lampy - już nie będą nam potrzebne.
Now, go and get the fuel to fill up the lamps.
Teraz, jedź i kup naftę i nalej do lamp.
I think you could sell these lamps in New York.
Mogłabyś sprzedać to w Nowym Yorku.
We can hide them in mirrors, lamps, you name it.
Można je ukryć w lustrach, lampach, w czymkolwiek.
My group want the lamps to stay on in Europe and, therefore, we will vote wholeheartedly against the report.
Moja grupa chce, by światła w Europie wciąż się paliły i dlatego zdecydowanie zagłosujemy przeciwko przyjęciu przedmiotowego sprawozdania.
No lamps, no light. So neither of you is any better than the other.
Bez lamp nie by3oby wiat3a. - aden z was nie jest lepszy od drugiego.
Yeah, absolutely, I see boxes and lamps, all kind of scary stuff.
Taa, całkowicie, widzę pudełka i lampy, i wszystkie inne przerażające rzeczy.
We have lamps that give the exact equivalent of sunlight.
Mamy lampy, które dają dokładny odpowiednik światła słonecznego.
The stars, like lamps, hung from the sky on ropes.
Gwiazdy, jak lampy, zwisają z nieba na sznurach.
Here's our new electrical broom, equipped with two powerful lamps.
Tu jest nasza nowa elektryczna w dwie silne lampy.
And a saloon? Dark, low ceilings, with hanging oil lamps?
l bar, ciemny, z niskim sufitem i wiszącymi lampami olejowymi?
You have not become just to light lamps!
Nie stałeś się tylko przewodnim światłem!
We light the lamps of love at your feet
Zapalamy światełka miłości na twoich stopach
Oh, Nikki, did you get those lamps for the treatment rooms like I asked?
Masz te lampy, do pokoi zabiegowych, o które prosiłam? - Oczywiście.
I do not know why I said it. There were no lamps.
Nie wiem dlaczego tak powiedział, I nie miały żarówki.
We already have four Viking lamps and smoking kills.
Mamy już cztery wikingowskie lampy, a palenie zabija.
And you still have all your lamps.
A wy wciąż macie swoje lampy.
Got some new lamps for your place.
Kupiłam ci nowe lampy do mieszkania.
When Diwali comes by, we'll light lamps together.
Kiedy nadejdzie Diwali, zapalimy razem lampki.
Because, otherwise, the lamps will go out in Europe and we will be paving the way for a dark future for our children.
Ponieważ w przeciwnym razie światła zgasną w całej Europie, a my będziemy budować ponurą przyszłość dla naszych dzieci.
You stay here I'il go to get more lamps...
Zostań tu, a ja pójdę po więcej lamp.
We want to shine like lamps.
Chcemy błyszczeć jak lampy.
There are more neon lamps than MEPs here tonight.
Jest tu więcej świetlówek niż obecnych na sali posłów.
Without lamps, there'd be no light.
Bez lamp nie byłoby światła.
I'll probably stop by Montgomery Ward's, pick up a washer and dryer, lamps.
Prawdopodobnie zatrzymam się u Montgomery, wezmę zmywarkę i suszarkę, lampy.
Evil scientists with holograms and heat lamps.
Żli naukowcy z hologramami i lampami ciepła.
She'd rather sell lamps... than work for me.
Woli sprzedawać lampy... niż pracować dla mnie.
The question relates to CFL, or compact fluorescent lamps.
Pytanie dotyczy CFL, czyli kompaktowych lamp fluorescencyjnych.
But when love and beauty come into the house... ...then throw out the lamps.
Ale kiedy miłość i piękno przybywają do domu... ...to wyrzućcie lampy.
There were mirrors and lamps everywhere...
Było tam mnóstwo luster i lamp...
Glimmering lamps cast lights of change
Migoczące lampy rzucają światła zmiany
We have to change furniture, carpets, lamps...
Mogłabyś zmienić meble, dywany, lampy...
Yeah, but I'm interested in... in women... and lamps.
Tak, ale interesują mnie... kobiety... i lampy.
(NL) Mr President, on the eve of World War I, the British Minister, Sir Edward Grey, spoke these words: ' The lamps are going out all over Europe.
(NL) Panie Przewodniczący! W przededniu I wojny światowej brytyjski minister, sir Edward Grey powiedział: "Gasną światła w całej Europie.