(Adverb) pierwszorzędnie, znakomicie;
doskonale, znakomicie, idealnie
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
But who is he? The murky and rather conventional flashback sequences which have sketched in a rural upbringing and funny business during the war are admittedly the only clumsy elements in what has otherwise been 39 hours of superbly achieved production.
There's also the superbly named Bikurious (1757 Rue Amherst), a gay bike shop that does an interesting sideline in "lesbian haircuts".
These were paintings with off-putting or even monstrous subject matter that sometimes were superbly painted, but had no chance with squeamish western customers when compared with a vapid chocolate-box picture of lovers in a garden.
The key figure in this regard is the working-class sapper Jack Firebrace, superbly played by Lee Ross, who learns by letter of the loss of his son to diptheria.
Finally, I would like to congratulate both authors on a superbly prepared document.
Na koniec chciałam pogratulować obu autorkom znakomicie przygotowanego dokumentu.
Our cabin attendants are superbly designed
Nasze androidy są wspaniale zaprojektowane
Superbly, my lord.
Znakomicie, mój panie.
This message must be communicated clearly, and it seems to me that Mrs Pack's resolution succeeds superbly in doing just that.
Musimy bardzo wyraźnie przekazać tę informację i moim zdaniem pani Pack w swojej rezolucji odniosła pod tym względem ogromny sukces.
I believe that the rapporteur and colleagues from the Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Committee on Foreign Affairs took this challenge and met it superbly.
Uważam, że sprawozdawczyni oraz koleżanki i koledzy z Podkomisji Praw Człowieka oraz Komisji Spraw Zagranicznych podjęli to wyzwanie i doskonale się spisali.
Our fellow Members Enrique Barón Crespo, Elmar Brok and Andrew Duff have represented the interests of the European Parliament superbly.
Nasi koledzy posłowie, panowie Enrique Barón Crespo, Elmar Brok i Andrew Duff znakomicie reprezentowali interesy Parlamentu Europejskiego.